View Full Version : Hi, i am Shannon

30-09-12, 22:56
Suffer from depression on medication for it which is working well. But am really worried as the feeeling of panic or anixety seen to be resurfing.I dont know why this is happening as i thought i was nearly there. I dont leave the house and havent in the last year as i get really anixous. Dont know what to do any help or advice would be helpful.

30-09-12, 23:07
hi and welcome. Youll find lots of friends and help and advice here....
I dont want to sound negative, but i am realistic and,
therefore,im not sure you can really say you thought you were neally there and recovering if you are housebound?
Recovery would mean living in the real world outside of your home, going out enjoying your life. Being stuck at home in the house all this time, would cause depression and anxiety....
Do you have counselling as well as the meds?? Do you have a support network, family friends??

30-09-12, 23:07
Hi shannon1968

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-09-12, 23:19
Hi i have family who can support me but i feel they have given up on me cant blame them really. I have gained alot of weight which has lowered my self esteem. I cant walk well as i broke my femur and spent nearly four months in hospital learning to walk again so this does not help.

30-09-12, 23:38
Do you live alone then?
Meds only take the edge of things...they dont cure , and they cant stop you feeling anxious still, you say yourself, going out makes you anxious..
being home all day is hard, i know i am currently out of work, so am home too, but i go out all the time, walking dogs, food shopping, meeting friends, family... I couldnt stay in all the time, i would get depressed...
You really need to get out, and if you say this isnt possible, then you need to look at ways to start to overcome it... counselling maybe?
i exercise at home, its a natural feel good, as well as helping lose weight etc...

01-10-12, 14:36
Hi again over the last week i have had real problems with my stomach. I have nausea, stomach cramps, bad heartburn and a touch of diarrohea i thought i had a bug but not begin to wonder could this be to do with my problems with anixety.

01-10-12, 14:40
Hi again over the last week i have had real problems with my stomach. I have nausea, stomach cramps, bad heartburn and a touch of diarrohea i thought i had a bug but not begin to wonder could this be to do with my problems with anixety.

I get all those symptoms when I am really anxious

01-10-12, 14:45
Hi Shannon Im almost sure these symptoms are anxiety I get all of them to theyre not nice hope you feel better soon and :welcome:to the site xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-10-12, 14:46
does anything help at all

01-10-12, 14:50
I drink aloe vera juice (from chemists) the fruit flavoured is the best. Avoiding spicy foods also helps. Peppermint tea and chamomile tea are also good.

01-10-12, 14:58
should have said but i do suffer from IBS now and again but these feelings are different than what i would normally get. Not really eating which might not be helping but dont really feel like eating much so down today.