View Full Version : Leeds 6th oct meet up

oh no_1
01-10-12, 10:14
who is going on the leeds meet on sat?
just asking as my head saying i cant do it even though i want to and need to know details as getting very panicky....
who getting off at train station? who getting a bus?

01-10-12, 11:01
I am getting the train.

oh no_1
01-10-12, 11:53
where u from?
how old r u?

u done anything like this before?

oh no_1
03-10-12, 11:37
dnt think i can do it
sorry guys

03-10-12, 11:47
Hi oh no_1
Sorry to hear you can't make it on Saturday. Don't worry, there will be other times.

03-10-12, 12:18
Jemma, I'll be going. Hope you can make it. If it helps, break the journey up. I'm getting the bus. If it does get too much for you, you can always pop to the ladies or out for some fresh air, whatever makes you more comfortable.


oh no_1
07-10-12, 09:34
im sorry that i didnt make it, i really wanted to, i planned the bus times and ater the first bus was going to get off and go get a drink and fresh air before getting on another bus but got too panicky bout when i got off the 2nd bus....
i hope to come to next one if we do it early enough, go to that and then halloween party after.