View Full Version : Freaking out!

01-10-12, 11:31
I am freaking out and don't kno what to do! I was so exhausted yesterday evening but powered through. I eventually went to bed at 11ish I believe. Slet fine through the night and woke about 8 this morning. Had a cup of chamomile and felt quite tired..So went back to sleep..Just woke up at 11:10 this freaked me out because I never just sleep like this..I woke and my mind was spinning. It was like every thought was excellerated and it wasn't me controlling them..It was like something in a film that I didn't think a mind could do.SO hard to explain. Also..I feel terrified because I had an absyss that due to placing a plaster over caused an allergic reaction and it turned really really gruesome..anyway..the doc put me at ease and put me on antibiotics..which I didn't take only because that is the third time in a month due to these things re-occuring. The last one cleared up alone but this time I prob should be taking them as it was several. What I need reassurance is that my groin area on the same side as the infection is so painful and tender now. It is'nt red and doesn't look and different but its sore all the way to my hip. The whole thing is making me feel faint and queasy and could this infection be serious? Could it of spread to my hip but deep inside my skin tissue Could I have blood poisoning? HELP!! I am freaking out!! The tiredness is freaking me out. The fact that I woke so late and still tired made me freak out and then the spinning mind feels like I am delirious! I never get panic attacks that make me feel this way :mad:

I am also worried that I am dismissing serious symptoms for panic symptoms. I am having what I think is an attack as I type this but I am scared that it not an attack but that I am about to faint from this thing

01-10-12, 11:44
I think you should take the antibiotics as the dr wouldnt have give them to you for nothing. Also if the infection and pain clears up you wont feel so panicky. I had the same in my groin that came back 3 times but eventually went so dont worry, sometimes you need more than one course to clear it up x

01-10-12, 11:52
I keep thinking I have Hidradenitis Supperativa and it is so painful. Could I be feeling this weak because of the infection? I have two new red and sore spots in the area and due to anxiety I freaking myself out with the symptoms. :weep:

01-10-12, 12:01
Orr Im sorry to hear you feel bad , you must of needed that sleep Im always tired I could sleep all day and night but my anxiety wont let me lol ,try and calm yourself take the antibiotics ,try not to over think things it makes you feel worse try and focus on something else hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:bighug1:

01-10-12, 12:04
I have started taking them. I only didn't because these dydrate me. I am calling nhs wales. Been so close to going to the hospital. I don't even have health anxiety but I just don't feel right. I am sure my anxiety is heightening the symptoms but I feel really weird and scared.

01-10-12, 12:10
Well if you feel that bad it might help if you phone nhs Im sure they will give you good advice ,but im sure it will be just your anxiety it makes you think alsorts its horrible I no xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

01-10-12, 12:33
Well what is freaking me out the most is the sore groin leading to a sore hip on the same side as the infection. I think I just feel ill cos two new spots have arrived..they are like the beginning of boils...could this make you run down and feverish? xx

01-10-12, 13:02
Did you ring nhs. I think you should just for some reasurance ,im sure its just all part of your anxiety and im sure if you were calmer you wouldnt think it was boils ,but get some advice I no when I do it helps me think differently and calms me down I no its really hard to stay calm ,but im sure you will be okay xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

01-10-12, 13:39
Well the nurse rang and told me to make a routine appointment and my docs are useless. They say NO before you even present your question. My docs who has been dealing with my boild etc is not available until the morning so I am going to go then. I hate going becasue it freaks me out. I feel so headachey and ill will it. I feel really DP and not with it at all. I am really sore and it's making me nauseous. I know the doc will just adv me to take the antibiotics so that is what I am doing. Should of taken them in the first place. Guess the things I need reassurance on is the fact that can a bad skin infection make you run down and tired/headachey? xx

01-10-12, 14:10
Hi Sorry you are having another bad day. Infection will make you feel run down and tired. Do you have a temperature? I think you should take the antibiotics. Do the new spots run in a line? I ask this because the same time I had a boil I got new spots and it was the beginning of shingles. Do you have an after hours centre? If you do I would go there tonight or ask to see the nurse at your docs? I am sure it is no more than this but since it is making you feel so ill I would get it checked out. I know I felt terrible with my boils and then the shingles straight after. :hugs::hugs:

01-10-12, 14:54
Well there is nothing unusual about the boils just make me feel so unwell. I did manage to drive to the shop and I felt a bit better then so the distraction did make me feel less anxious. I can now understand why you get so anxious with your foot. The constant worry about the boils feeds my anxiety and then the symptoms the anxiety is creating is makingme think that it's the boils. Grrrr It is so taxing. I am taking the tablets so hopefully will feel better soon. I am not as worked up as I was early but do feel quite distant. If I get any worse then I will just drive to the hospital. I highly doubt it will come to that. Just so sore.

01-10-12, 15:05
I know how you feel...my foot has been more swollen today, probs because I have been for my counselling and I just feel drained from the counselling and anxious about my foot. My epsom salts came today so I am going to put some in my foot spa to see if it helps. I was the same when I had the boils...I knew they would heal but because I could see/feel them they made me really anxious...Positive thinking for both of us! :)

01-10-12, 15:09
So glad that you're salts have arrived. They really are a lovely treat. Aww your poor foot. It will heal eventually Annie! Must be so hard though. You are right about keeping positive! I am definitely more relaxed this afternoon! Can't really do much due to how sore my butt is but once these tablets kick in I should be good!

01-10-12, 15:44
I had to take my shoe and sock off at the counsellors and put my foot on the table because it was swollen and bright purple...it will match my new phone!! :D

01-10-12, 15:48
I bet that was a funny little sight!! x

01-10-12, 15:53
The counsellor said she will bring in an extra chair next week for my foot!