View Full Version : Citalopram

01-10-12, 14:46
Hi everyone I am new to this so please bare with me. I first had my very first panic attack in 2009 it just came out of the blue. Ever since then they have gradually got worst and I now have health anxiety I constantly think I am dying. I have managed them without meds up until now I had therapy with helped for a grand total of 4 month where I felt like my old self again. I have now been on cit for 4 days and my anxiety is thru the roof last night when dozing off to sleep I kept waking with severe dizziness and at one point I couldn't see a thing was very scared. Dizziness is my worst symptom every thing else I can kind of cope with but I have a right fear of passing out although I never have done In all the time I have had anxiety just want to know if anyone else experiences rather bad dizzy spells or if its the meds making them worst and if anything helps the dizziness. I also have a 2 year and it's ruining my life I am scared to take my little man anywhere incase I have an episode and I constantly have to have my mother with me which in turn isn't doing much to help my relationship although my partner is very understandable sorry for long post guys but by god that was good to get off my chest ha :) xx

01-10-12, 14:56
:welcome: Hi I also suffer with dizziness its awful I no but im not on any meds so the dizziness is part of my anxiety but I no some meds can cause dizziness so I couldnt say if it was the meds I would have a chat to your DR but I honestly no what you mean it just takes along time and alot of relaxing ,just try and remember its anxiety hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

01-10-12, 15:09
side effects of cit can be quite severe for 1st 2 to 3 weeks but there are ways to deal with it...1) what dose are you on - therapeutic dose is 20 mg but my doc first put me on 10 mg to get used to the drug - your size (height and weight will effect this as well.
2) what time of day do you take your med. - may be useful to take at night before bed - may effect sleep but you will doze off.
3) plenty of info on this site to help - and a lot of people who will support you.
I a using this med and wish I had had it prescribed 10 years ago - helps a lot but initial side effects can be off putting...talk to your doc

01-10-12, 15:18
Thank u so much for ure replies. I am on 20mg and I take it before bed I have only been taking it for 4 days tonight will be my 5th pill so that could explain why am feeling so crap. I guess I just need to wait it out and see what happens just want to feel normal and enjoy life again. Looking on the bright side I have lost 9lb in 2 weeks which isn't a bad thing as I was still carrying baby weight :) glad I am not alone xx