View Full Version : Am I being stupid... eye troubles?

01-10-12, 16:55
Ok so the other day I posted a thread about all my issues and problems, and was told on here I should see my doctor about them, I was generally happy with the idea. Now I spoke to my mum about it and told here i'm going to the doctors and she pretty much told me that I was being stupid, and if I went to the doctors I would look like an idiot. She does not understand it's hard, i'm so scared about all my symptoms which I know that probably all of them are caused by anxiety apart from 1. This little black spec in the corner of my vision, its in my right eye and it's just out of sight. So I can focus on this black spot to see what it looks like, I can only see it in the corner of my eye when I move them. I don't think it's a floater because I have had it a year and it doesn't float, just stays still when I move my eyes. This black spot is tiny, it is literally a spec but it's there and I know it's there and the more I think about it the more I notice it. It has not changed in size since last year when I first noticed it.

My other symptoms seem to get better and worse depending on my levels of anxiety so to be honest I put them down to that. (light headedness, muscle twitches)

I had a pretty bad anxiety attack last night which made me light-headed and my head was full of pressure mostly behind my left eye but just my head in general, it eased off when I had a cup of tea and watched tv. I get these type of headaches with anxiety and it varies which side of my head is affected.

My main health worry at the minute is a brain tumour, could this little black spec mean I have one?? I'm 18 so If I really wanna go to the doctors I will, what I'm asking is, is it necessary that I go? I am restraining from using google at the moment, but i'm very tempted. :weep::weep:

01-10-12, 17:00

I doubt you have a tumour,..if you don't want to go I the doctors for your
Mums sake then go to Boots for an eye test... I once had anxiety about a brain tumour and I went to boots after seeing this morning on TV

I paid an extra £15 to take pictures of the back of the eye...this will show if there is any pressure and I know for a fact people have found out about tumours this way, everyone should have their eyes tested so maybe a good idea for you...


01-10-12, 17:17
Iv'e just spoke to my dad and he says he has had a little black spec in his eye for about 3 years which makes me feel a little better, I think that I will go to boots, i'm at college on tuesdays which is near town so I will pop over on my dinner break, thanks for your reply. If I get over the brain tumour worries then a new one will come along, it's amazing all the different illnesses I thought ive had in the last year each one more convincing than the other.

Turns out they do tests at my boots too guess I better have the test