View Full Version : what triggered your health anxiety?

01-10-12, 17:57
I am just wondering if there is usually a trigger for HA or if it is something which develops over time? I have had a few episodes of HA in the past - usually brought on with having something checked at a doctors and my mind runs away with itself - I have never been on any kind of medication for my anxiety as generally it is fairly mild - and it is generally only health that bothers me, well that and family members dying, but this time is so much more severe!
It all started in July when I was getting really tired all the time - googled it out of curiosity and it mentioned leukemia, cue mass panic! More and more symptoms developed, suck as nausea, headaches and leg pain. I was on the contraceptive pill at this point. Long story short, I did a pregnancy test ... Well, 7 pregnancy tests, all positive.
Instead of being relieved that I finally had a reason for my symptoms, I began to obsess over miscarriage as I have suffered a MC 18 months ago. Got lots of reassurance scans and all going well, lhealthy heartbeat detected from 6 weeks onwards, until at 8 week scan they couldn't find a heartbeat and I had miscarried again.
They have offered me testing as I am only 23 and have miscarried both of my pregnancies so they think there must be a reason behind this, and I believe this is causing my HA to be worse. Don't know whether to get these tests done or to wait until I am planning a family.

Does anyone have an experience like mines?

01-10-12, 18:05
Hi again,

Mine all started with breathing troubles (I have astma since I was young) which I googled and scared myself silly, so obviously anxiety has caused me many other symptoms. So I would say google is the main cause of mine, although my dad and his mum both have health anxiety so It may just be learned/hereditary. It is amazing all the illnesses I have self diagnosed myself with because of google.

01-10-12, 18:07
I think I've had it from about 16, though no way near as bad as now. Im not really sure what started it though. It's getting worse over the years x

02-10-12, 03:02
Firstly I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriages.
I don't know what started my HA originally when I was a teenager, but my latest bout after about fifteen years of being OK, started a over a year ago after the death of my dad. I'm terrified of dying, it's a phobia for me and anything to do with death has me in a panic.

02-10-12, 06:12
Mine all started by hopping out of my car too fast and getting a head rush, felt like I was going to pass out. It's all gone down hill from there.