View Full Version : Boils bad-Anxiety good.

01-10-12, 18:27
So my two new boils are SO painful. They haven't worsened in anyway but are just so incredibly painful that they make me feel like crying everytime I move and pressure applies on them. Been in bed all day and my anxiety itself isn't too bad. I have been worried by these boils and what could be causing them. I have never had anything like it in my life so it's all quite new to me. So stiff and achey and it's really gotten me down. I am putting the headache down to them aswell and I am also still really worried about the pain in my groin and hip. I have read and was told by the NHS nurse that lymph nodes swell near an infection but this is so sore and tender. It is worrying me. I don't mean to keep posting about it but I have no one to talk to all night and I feel like no-one has the energy to deal with me anymore.

01-10-12, 18:45
I would phone the NHS help line and tell them. I have usually found them quite helpful. :hugs:

01-10-12, 18:50
I already have thank you Annie! There was no immediate cause for concern and she said just to take the antibiotics that the DR prescribed me. Just hard to know what to do to ease the pain and worrying is making it all worse. I just had some pizza and now have burning belly so overall feeling awful tonight...Plus my headache is back lol

01-10-12, 18:55
What a pair we are..my foot is killing tonight so it is making me anxious and because I am anxious my ear has started aching again! I am going to try the Epsom in my bath soon!

01-10-12, 18:57
I am going to run a lovely bath soon too. I sometimes get anxious about bathing when I am alone incase I slip or something. Silly isn't it?

01-10-12, 19:01
I take my phone in the bathroom as I am more likely to slip with my silly foot.

01-10-12, 19:03
That'san excellent idea!! I will be doing that! Which salts do you have? Have you had a smell yet? They are beautiful x

01-10-12, 19:07
It just says Epsom bath salts. My husband said there is enough to last me years! I ordered 10kg lol I still work in pounds and ounzes so I didn't know how much 10gm would be! The poor Fed EX man was just about collapsing carrying them in the house. I will put a few drops of lavender and chamomile in the bath as well.

01-10-12, 19:14
Ooh! So you ordered lots then. I bought them for £8 for the green muscle and joint one. They really are lovely. I put a few drops of lavender in my bath too! Smells lovely! I use Miaroma! I really want to do an aromatherapy course! Just for fun really!! I have alwasy been into smells! Love perfumes etc. So this idea is exciting!! Did you mention that you had done this before?

01-10-12, 19:19
I have a diploma in Holistic Therapies. I do Aromatherapy, Swedish massage, Indian head massage, Hot stone massage, Reflexology and hopi ear candles

01-10-12, 19:22
Wow!! I love Holistic therapies. Feel free to pass on any tips for calming and relaxation. I am really interested in Reflexology. I remember when I was about 12 my mum bought me a kit with the little socks that show you where to push!!

What makes an Indian head massage different? I used to work with some Indian nurses and if I remember correctly..They used to be quite rough with it..but good rough.

01-10-12, 19:26
I would really recommend Aromatherapy massage for relaxation, it is really calming. I feel more relaxed myself when I give someone an aromatherapy massage as well. I have had people fall asleep and I have had to wake them up about half an hour after I have finished the massage! :D

01-10-12, 19:34
Just having lavender on my pillow the last few night has enabled me to sleep like a baby. The power of aromatherapy is amazing. I will most definitely be finding my nearest therapist!!!

01-10-12, 19:35
If you lived nearer to me I would do it for free...but a 6 hour drive is a bit far to go for a free aromatherapy massage!

01-10-12, 20:09
HAHA! I should imagine I would be desperate need of one on arrival!! lol

01-10-12, 20:30
Just had my bath with Epsom salts, lavender oil and chamomile oil...nice and relaxing :)

01-10-12, 20:40
Lovely! Are you feeling good now then? xx

01-10-12, 20:42
Not totally...more relaxed but the heartbeat sound has come back in my ear...if its not one thing its another!! xx

01-10-12, 21:02
I have just gotten over a boil on my tummy bloody painful little buggers. Mine got infected was on antibiotics aswell. A hot cloth over it worked aswell seemingly it draws it out. I also have a fear of going in bath when alone not that I am alone often as I can't bare it :(( hope u feel better soon

01-10-12, 22:35
Thanks Cole. A warm compress always helps...although I haven't done that for these new ones yet! It really runs me down and makes me feel so ill. I had to leave work a few months ago because I had one on my lower back and I thought I was going to pass out from queasiness. They are just SO painful aren't they? Were you on Flucloxacillian? Did the boil make you feel ill?

02-10-12, 06:56
Hi loopy
The boil on your lower back, did the doctor say it was a pilonidal sinus? The recurring infections could be due to hair that grows inwards causing irritation and infection. Might be worth mentioning to your GP.
Also to relieve the pressure and bring out the badness my parents use to swear by a drawing ointment/compress called slippery elm. Some people take it as a food supplement but the one you want is a pure slippery elm powder which pharmacies or health shops sometimes stock or can order for you. A small amount is mixed with hot(ish) water and put over the boil or abscess and covered with a dressing.
I hope you're feeling better soon. xx

02-10-12, 09:09
Hi loopy
The boil on your lower back, did the doctor say it was a pilonidal sinus? The recurring infections could be due to hair that grows inwards causing irritation and infection. Might be worth mentioning to your GP.
Also to relieve the pressure and bring out the badness my parents use to swear by a drawing ointment/compress called slippery elm. Some people take it as a food supplement but the one you want is a pure slippery elm powder which pharmacies or health shops sometimes stock or can order for you. A small amount is mixed with hot(ish) water and put over the boil or abscess and covered with a dressing.
I hope you're feeling better soon. xx

Thank you for this! I have an appointment at 11..I am already on antibiotics for it but feel like I want some reassurance about the pain I am having down my leg and in my groin near the infection. I definitely think they are blocked hairs. I just don't get why they are appearing now for the first time at 26. xx

02-10-12, 09:23
They can appear at any age, it's nothing you have or haven't done, it's just one of those things I'm afraid. Good luck with your appointment. Let us know how you get on won't you? x

02-10-12, 09:25
They can appear at any age, it's nothing you have or haven't done, it's just one of those things I'm afraid. Good luck with your appointment. Let us know how you get on won't you? x

I will! I feel abit silly turning up when I already have the tablets that I am supposed to be taking but I really need the reassurance about the other pains that I am getting and whether it is normal to feel this ill and nauseous because of it. How can a few boils make you feel this ill? xx

02-10-12, 09:34
It could be the anxiety and not the boils making you nauseous and some antibiotics make me nauseous. Hopefully you will get reassurance today :hugs:

02-10-12, 09:40
Don't feel silly about returning to your GP for advice, that's what he's there for. Common symptoms of abscesses/boils include pain (increasing when touched), nausea, vomiting and fever. Afterall it is an infection. Also antibiotics can cause nausea.
Usually antibiotics alone don't clear up the infection, the abscess will need to be drained. Either the skin will break on its own or your GP or nurse will drain it by making a small cut if it gets too big or too painful for you to manage. It's the only way to get all that badness out of your body and prevent it from entering your bloodstream.
It's a very common problem, try not to worry about it too much. xx

02-10-12, 10:01
Thanks both! It really is lovely the amount of support and reassurance I get on here. Even for things that may seem silly to others. Thank you xx

02-10-12, 10:04
They don't seem silly to me because I am just the same myself...trouble is I can reassure others but not myself! lol

02-10-12, 10:43
Yes I was very ill with it in so much pain and felt rotten wich in turn added to my anxiety :( I can't mind what antibiotic I got but it was medicine form as I am such a paranoid wreck swallowing tablets ha. xx