View Full Version : just finished last citlopram

01-10-12, 19:11

I have been on Citlopram for over a year at 20mg i recently dropped down to 10mg and have very slowly with the help of my GP come off them. Touch wood I have not had any other side effects other than being very snappy and angry at the smallest thing a bit like PMT but much worse - its almost like I have found my voice eventually and will not tolerate idiots anymore lol.

Has anyone else had this and also is there anything else that I should be worried about... It is the right time to come off the meds for me as I have worked through a lot of challenges and have had CBT and transactional analysis therapy which has really helped with my anxiety.

Thank you

Gaily x:)

01-10-12, 19:14
Good luck.
I came off meds over a year ago now.

01-10-12, 20:46
Good luck for the future. If you've been doing CBT I think you'll be fine. :)

06-10-12, 03:57
Thank you both x

fozzy is crying
06-10-12, 03:58
:yesyes: Well done :bighug1:

06-10-12, 10:29
That's great!!I wish you a happy life from now on...