View Full Version : I need all your wisdom

01-10-12, 19:18
Hi im Colleen I am 22 and I am currently doing an MSc and am a panic attack sufferer.

I wanted to first talk about my experience with panic attacks and anxiety. I experinced my first attack a couple of years ago and was absolutly terrified, I was convinced and am still to this day that I am going to drop dead of a phantom illness. I have visted the doctor numerous times, but still no cure to this horrible afflication. I had my most recent attck last week, walking back to get my train home from college, I felt disorintated, dizzy and scared.

I found that talking myself down and breathing tecniques only help to an extent and basically have to ride the attack out. Panic attacks are affecting my lfe on a daily basis, I find it hard to concentrate and when I get an attack in a class its so much worse because of trying to deal with the attack and not embarrass myself at the same time.

I have been researching panic attacks and anxiety and it the ways to deal with it but have found nothing successful so far and do not want to turn to medicating myself.

I want to design an app to help and aid sufferers prior and in the midst of an attack. I found that when I am in an attack diverthing my attention to something else does help. I want to make something interactive that will not only talk one down and teach meditation but can also be fun like a game. I would really appreciate if you lovely people could share your wisdom of your own attacks and what helps you or if you have any ideas that may help others.

fozzy is crying
01-10-12, 19:23
Hi Colleen,

First a big :welcome:to the site.
Secondly if I can help with the app idea drop me a private message or email. I have 44 years IT knowledge.


01-10-12, 19:28
Hi Coll90

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-10-12, 19:31
Distraction is always key. Also I tell my attack to go ahead and do it's worst to me. Confronting it and not fearing it makes it back off!! Breathing correctly is massive for me too. This is a wonderful idea!! Good luck!!!

01-10-12, 19:36
Hi Colleen

read nothingworks (link in my signature) :)

01-10-12, 20:12
on a side note-The reason I am doing this app is firstly as a assigment for my MSc in digital media 'Tecnology to save someones life' which I will make and realese if it makes the cut of something that could be helpful to others. I think it could be possiby be something great as so many people suffer from panic attacks and anxiety even in its mildest forms. I also want to go through the process of research for this app to help my own panic attacks, talking to others about their own experinces is comforting

fozzy is crying
01-10-12, 20:49
on a side note-The reason I am doing this app is firstly as a assigment for my MSc in digital media 'Tecnology to save someones life' which I will make and realese if it makes the cut of something that could be helpful to others. I think it could be possiby be something great as so many people suffer from panic attacks and anxiety even in its mildest forms. I also want to go through the process of research for this app to help my own panic attacks, talking to others about their own experinces is comforting

So what do you need from us?


01-10-12, 20:59
Just your own experience of what helps you when your in a panic attack, whether its meditation, breathing, diverting your attention etc, everyones different

fozzy is crying
01-10-12, 21:09
Ah OK. I did not know if you needed technical help. That I could have helped with as I have developed an app in this subject area for both PC and Android platforms.

Still good look and please keep us all informed about it.

01-10-12, 21:11
Ok thats great I will keep up to date, and if I have any bumps on the way I'll be sure to ask you for help :)

01-10-12, 23:11
Hi Colleen, welcome to the forums. :) It sounds like a good idea to develop an app. Which mobile phone platform(s) will you be developing it for? I'd find it useful if the app had a reassuring voice to calm you down during a panic attack, along with breathing exercises and possibly games and activities to distract you.

fozzy is crying
01-10-12, 23:21
Hi Colleen, welcome to the forums. :) It sounds like a good idea to develop an app. Which mobile phone platform(s) will you be developing it for? I'd find it useful if the app had a reassuring voice to calm you down during a panic attack, along with breathing exercises and possibly games and activities to distract you.

Hi Sparkle if you have something Android based there are quite few free ones. A good one is
BreathTheWaves Lite

you can get it here



01-10-12, 23:32
Welcome to NMP :)

What a good idea for an app. My husband finished his BSc in Web Technology this year and came up with an idea for an app that had potential applications for monitoring mental wellbeing via a Twitter 'game'. I would definitely use a panic attack app.

When I panic I find it all-too-easy to forget my normalising statements, so perhaps something with flashcards you could scroll through? Also perhaps a breathing assistance tool (counting breaths in/out with the user or something), or a 'game' or tool to track the level of your panic (on an interactive graph or something - maybe one with a fun element to it), so you can physically watch it decreasing, and also distract yourself through the playing of the game.

Congratulations on turning your own experience into a positive thing for your studies :)