View Full Version : Always thinkings I'm going to contract HIV, someway, somehow

01-10-12, 19:38
So I recently posted about my paranoid fear of getting
HIV. But this post has to do with how it could come about..

Today in class , a razor cut my nail.
It scraped across my whole nail; all I could think of it that "now I have HIV" ..

Then before that I thought my peer stuck with me an HIV needle. One fear overtakes the other fear . Any suggestions? Could I even contract it either way I just described ?

01-10-12, 19:46
Sexual intercourse without a condom or receiving infected blood during a blood transfusion is how you get HIV as an adult... and of course if you share needles with an infected person, you can get it as well.

And even with these three scenarios, only the infected blood is really a high risk factor. Sex is not extremely contagious, vaginal sex is more risky for women than for men.

But in an everyday situation I think the risk of getting HIV is close to zero!