View Full Version : Fat club!?!

05-08-06, 12:13
Right I know that we kinda had a diet club going last year, what ever happend to that, did it just fade away?! I'm currently into my first week of my diet. I really have to slim down. I weigh 11st8 am 5'3 and a size 16/18. Plus the nurse at my g.p practice said my BMI is 31 which is baaad!

So anyhoo, my diet is that I have the tesco diet milk shakes, 1 for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and a sensible tea. No snacking, no pinching off the kids plates and Nooooo curries!!! [:O][:P]:). These milk shakes are just like the weight watchers one, just half the price, which is always nice.

Does anyone wanna join me in this, I just feel a bit lonely doing it on my own. I would feel much better knowing that other people are starving themselfs to be thin too, lol.

hope to hear from at least 1 person, lol.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

05-08-06, 14:04
once i have had the baby i will defo be up for it!!!!

05-08-06, 14:11
cheers denise was begining to think I was on me one there [:I] lol

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

05-08-06, 15:00

I am on a permanent diet lol and I have more to lose than you.

Can you come up with a miracle diet where we lose 1 stone a month??

Good luck with yours.


05-08-06, 15:41
LOL nic, not sure that would be too healthy to loose that much in short period of time.

And thanx for the luck I feel I might need as much as I can get lol!

Take carexx


onwards and upwards

05-08-06, 19:17
Great Idea !

I will join you :D Ive just eaten a mcdonalds and am feeling very guilty.
I am 5ft 1.5 and have just weighed myself at the end of my eating day,
I am 9st 13lb , so probally about 9st 11lb in the morning.

I have 1 stone to loose and am desperate because all my trousers are tight [:I]

I usually follow a slimming world plan because you can eat lots on that.

I will start tomorrow but will take Saturday off cos its my birthday then
(21 again).

what day is weigh in ?


05-08-06, 19:35
like how you put in the point 5 for your height, every little counts he [:P]:) lol

Hadn't thought about a weigh in, but I suppose we could make it a friday, I was thinking a monday, but that day is crap enough with out finding out you have actually gained rather than lost! lol.

Cheers for joining me :D

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

06-08-06, 08:32
Just had a small breakfast .oh this is killing me already lol.

Are we including excersize in this diet ?

They say 30 mins at least 3 days a week but why dont we do
some everyday ? this will really help get the weight off.

My doctor told me my height lol, but like you say every little helps, if only I could grow taller and then apppear slimmer :D

I am taking the dog for a walk later and going blackberry picking/eating.
fridays a really good day for weigh in.
Also recipe ideas on here much appreciated.


06-08-06, 10:05
I'm dieting too and want to lose almost a stone in 4 weeks. I don't think I'll be recommending my diet methods to anyone though [:I].

06-08-06, 10:29
oh go on Karen , let us know how you intend doing it.

Im thinking of eating mainly fat free yogurt inbetween meals.


06-08-06, 15:42
Yeah exercise is a good one mirry, I have the davina mc call fitness dvd's they are good. the 3 30min work out is the best it has something called cardio box on it and that fair gets the heart rate pumping and burning those calories, also has you breathing our yir bum! lol [:P][|)]:D

Karen - don't tell me it's the cabbage soup diet!! I really hope not cause if it is I feel really sorry for your family! lol.

Well I'm still sticking with my diet milk shakes, I'm finding they do keep the hunger away a bit. Plus I'm saving a bundle on food lol. I just really need to buy for the kids as at tea time I have a salad or something.

Last night for my tea I had a baked potato with tuna, sweetcorn, cheese (tesco healthy living) and coleslaw (again tesco healthy living). It was really filling and absolutly fab. Tonight I'm gonna have Steak pie (I know pastry is fatning but I wont eat much I promise,lol) mashed potatoes (no butter and only semi skimmed milk) steam fresh veg and gravy!! and yes I'm aware this aint a salad but it is a sunday, gotta have something like that on a sunday, other wise I would be breaking a very old and very yummy traditioin!![}:)]

I'm thinking that I might even buy some of the tesco ready made healthy living meals. The variety doesn't seem to bad and they aint too dear either.

Well good luck girls..........try not to snack now [}:)]

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

06-08-06, 19:02
Ive had spagettie with light spag bol sauce and no meat lol,
followed by a muller yogurt and strawberrys.

weighed myself this morning [xx(] 9st 12lb THATS NOT GOOD,
last year I was 10st 7lb and got down to 8st 11 lb......so Ive got to do something fast !


06-08-06, 19:08
well when I stood on the scales this morning mirry I was 12st bang on [xx(] . Dunno why that is, my mum thinks it might be fluid!! lol.

I have concluded that I will be happy with loosing 2lbs a week, anything more than that and it's a bonus!! I have calculated that if I do loose at least 2lbs a week then it will take me 25 weeks to be my ideal. That will take me to the first week in Feb next year [xx(][xx(]. It seems like such a long time away but I mean it I'm gonna stick to this and I wanna be my ideal weight by feb 2007 at the latest!!

onwards and upwards

06-08-06, 21:10
Great fighting talk claire, youve really fired me up !

We can do it, dont think about how long , just do one week at a time and enjoy your meals.

I am thinking if its a good idea to change to different diets every few weeks ? so we dont get bored.


06-08-06, 22:44
Claire - It's definitely not the cabbage soup diet lol!

I shouldn't really be reading, let alone posting on this thread, and it wouldn't be helpful to pass my tips to anyone as they are not healthy.

Good luck to everyone participating. I'm still following my own weight loss regime.

Karen xx

07-08-06, 07:28
My friend loves crisps but when she diets, she buys a packet of crisp and licks them to get the flavour with out eating them lol,
dont know if I could do it, id probally have to eat them once ive tasted them [Oops!]


07-08-06, 13:34
done my bit for today :D

Took kids for a long walk with dog to the castle and whilst there I ran up and down the field for 25 mins non stop in the heat [:I]
we were out for 4 hours.
I got the kids ice cream but I didnt have any ,depite my friend having ice cream too and trying to tempt me [}:)]

I have eaten today so far ;

2 eggs and 1 toast for breakfast.
1 muller yogurt and apple and plum for lunch.

Now I am going to upstairs to paint sons room ;)


07-08-06, 19:49
sounds like you had a good day mirry, and good on ya for not being tempted by the ice cream :)

Well today my sis and I took our kids to montrose beach, which was fun! and energetic! lol.

I have stuck to my milkshakes today and I did my davina mc call cardio box thismorning. So really think I have done well.

Now I'm having the tesco chicken fried rice for my tea it's 330 cals! and thats me for the day!

Away to chill out now, thats me just in, I'm zonked!

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

08-08-06, 08:45
Right guys it took a bit of looking but I found all of my weight watchers stuff. I have:

a cookbook with 100 recipes
daily points allowance guide
points calculator (to be used on the pc)
weight watchers drop diet recipe
weight watchers recipes
weight watchers tracker

If you are interested in using any of this email me on jammiebasket@hotmail.co.uk and let me know.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

08-08-06, 18:05
Ok ive been an Angel again today , no cheating !

I hope your all sticking to it cos id hate to think Im the only one suffering. Today I had homade jam on a slice of toast.
pasta and egg for lunch followed by a muller an fruit..
fish and chips for tea and veg......
chips made with partly boiled potatosand sprayed with fry light and baked.


08-08-06, 22:13
yes mirry still sticking to it and believe me your not the only one suffering lol [xx(]

I was thinking earlier as I went thru my weight watchers stuff, most things in the supermarket, well tesco's at least, have the calories and points on the front. Now weight watchers as you know is totally points based so I thought we could follow that. Here is the points guide I had mentioned in an earlier post:

Daily Points Allowance

Current Weight Daily Points Range

Less than 150 pounds 18-23
150-174 pounds 20-25
175-199 pounds 22-27
200-224 pounds 24-29
225-249 pounds 26-31
250-274 pounds 28-33
275-299 pounds 29-34
300-324 pounds 30-35
325-349 pounds 31-36
more than 350 pounds 32-37

If we maybe follow this then we should be ok. My sis knows of a couple of women at her work that have followed weight watchers and lost a lot of weight.

oh and FYI that weight watchers stuff I'm offering to send is free , it wasn't a sales pitch.

Keep it up and take carexx


onwards and upwards

09-08-06, 07:44
Ive only ever done rosemary conerly after having my son and lost 3stone. Then I did slimming world last year and lost 1.5 stone.

I would like to see the weight watchers list cos I was thinking of following slimming world one week then weight watcher the following week and see how it goes.

I am very determined [}:)]


09-08-06, 10:12
Well just had yet another milk shake for my breakfast!![xx(], they do start to get a bit sickly and tiresome. So I'm away to get ready and go to tesco to get some healthy living stuff in to give myself a bit of a change, I'm still going to have my milkshake for breakfast tho, just not for my lunch and snack!

I'm gonna stick with my points, I'm gonna have 20 points a day and plenty water cause that helps too.

Well good luck and keep with it.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

10-08-06, 08:22
Claire, thanks for your information :D

My husband said to me this morning "you look slimmer "

I said its only been 3 days dont be silly (hope hes right).

Ok sugar free jam on toast for breakfast (wholemeal) without butter.


10-08-06, 08:33
I've been naughty [V]:(

had a crap day lyesterday so lasnight night I drank 2 bottles of cherry lambrini and then ate one of my healthy living microwave meals at like 10pm last night[V][V]!!! So all in all I'm about 15 points over my daily allowance!! grrr. so today it's just water for me and plenty of it.

I'm feeling really rough today (serves me right) and really bad for what I had done!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!!

I'm away to stand on the scales and then have a good blub!

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

10-08-06, 15:37
oh its just a blip, I always say if you have a long journey you will get hold ups on the way but you will get there in the end ;)


11-08-06, 12:22
<center>HERE IS WEIGH IN</center>

Well this morning when I stood on the scales I was 11st13lbs!!! woohoo!! ok only lost a pound but considering I cheated thats good.

onwards and upwards

11-08-06, 13:17
Well done on sticking to it ladies!! Hope ur going good- just got a suggestion for u Claire- u say the milkshakes get a bit sickly, well i am a smoothie queen!! i love smoothys- u can get a cheap blender for £15 and mix loads of ur favourite fruits together- u can add milk or yogurt or woteva to thicken it and make it more fillin!!! I make mine with milk and a pint of strawberry and banana milkshake fills me up till lunch and if im feelin naughty i put in a teaspoon of choco powder!! just a suggestion!!! ive lost 1 stone in the last 6 months which im happy with-half a stone and i will be my goal weight!!!
Hope ur still doin good!!

11-08-06, 13:49
oh yes weigh in lol,

Ok Ive lost .......1/2 a pound [Duh!]

I have eaten a mars bar today , the old man gave me it at work.


11-08-06, 14:47
TY ammeg, I might just try making my own smoothies. I love my fruit and my veg. I was looking at the jack lelan juicer on the shopping channel but don't really have £100 to spare lol. so might just go with the smothie idea. Oh and congrats on loosing a stone, can't wait till I say the same :D

Thats fab mirry, and so what if you have a mars bar, it's only a treat [}:)]

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

12-08-06, 08:33
sorry but today I am going to be eating everything,
hubby taking me for lunch out and ive got a birthday cake and drink..
problem is tomorrow my friend is doing a bbq for me too.

I promise to be good monday (honest) [}:)]


12-08-06, 20:34
Well I have been a good girl today, I haven't had anything bar my tea. Purely cause I've not felt too great today, but bound to help the weight loss.


onwards and upwards

13-08-06, 10:58
well done Claire :D

after yesturday I should change my name to piggy instead of mirry lol.

I ate so much chocolate, in the end i felt sick [xx(]

But today I am behaving, i cant be older and fatter !


23-08-06, 08:15
Hi everyone,

Just to let you know I am still trying to loose weight [:I].
Youd think 1 stone wouldnt be so difficult :(

But I am sad to learn that Jammiebasket (claire) has left this site,
for what reasons I do not know ?(she didnt say).
I just hope Claire comes back but she sounded serious.

I dont know why she left :(
