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View Full Version : Haven't been here in a while, just need some reassurance!

01-10-12, 21:33
Hey guys, I've not logged on here for a while was trying my hardest to stay off forums and the web. Google always makes things out to be worse then they are. Anyway, I suffer with anxiety attacks pretty bad and pretty much in any social situation I thought I might have been getting better but I don't think I am. It can come on at anytime I feel threatened or if I feel I might do something wrong, e.g highlighting my cousins hair (I'm a fully trained hairdresser:doh:) and tonight My fiance's of 4 and a half years mum asked me what I want for dinner and it knocked me back as everyone in the room was waiting for my response? I get chest pains on the right side, I shake, I sweat, This upset me so much as I love these people and shouldn't have to be like that around them. I just need a little bit of reassurance that my symptoms are those of a panic attack, that I am just being silly, you know? I just want to be over this, I used to be so out going and adventurous now I just want to hide away all of the time..

Thank you so much guys, you've all always been a great help!

01-10-12, 21:48
am new on here but glad that you have returned. I find time on the internet can make things worse, i feel the need to know how everything works and loss so much time looking for info which ends up making me much worse. most recently i was looking for information on whether a tree in my garden was going to blow down in the recent high winds and whether it was unsafe. After googling for hours the end result was me spending two hours in high winds outside looking at it at 2am in case it looked like it was going to topple and i had to run inside and rescue everyone.

I find this forum a help and feel humble in the presence of others. I am trying to limit my browsing as i now spend ages looking for negative outcomes for mortgage offers. As with most things people tend to post their worst outcomes and the people with positive outcomes are too positive to post them.

i find that anything can knock me off - my dad made a comment on friday about my sis being worried that i only had a mortgage promise and not a full mortgage for moving house. This then turned itself for me into i had sold my house, was going to be homeless and will now not get a mortgage.
People dont know innocent comments can have such an impact. Cant remember when i last ate prior to today - have lost two and half stone in about three weeks - ate today which was good but at a meeting today my boss invited me and a colleague to a working lunch - this set me off - how can i go and eat if im not eating

hope it makes you feel better coming on here and if i can help in any way just let me know

i must now go and check on that pesky tree :D

fozzy is crying
01-10-12, 23:02

Forget Google and visit here as often as you can. Google is not your friend, here you have lots and lots and lots and lots of them.

Err did I also remember to say you have lots of friends on here.


01-10-12, 23:20

Forget Google and visit here as often as you can. Google is not your friend, here you have lots and lots and lots and lots of them.

Err did I also remember to say you have lots of friends on here.


Thank you so much, It means alot. :flowers:

fozzy is crying
01-10-12, 23:24
Thank you so much, It means alot. :flowers:

No need to thank me ever.

Remember as I have always said "A friend is someone you can say what you think without thinking what you say. The rest can sod off"
