View Full Version : sickness during the day for a while

02-10-12, 08:44
hi. for a few weeks now I have been getting this sick bad feeling in my body feel weak some what and achy and just pure bad, it lasted for a little while at times and I uselly walk it off. it mostly happens later on in the day mostly night. during the day i feel great with energy but everyday at some point i get so sick...i have been to doctor and he said he didnt think it was heath problems, he took blood for thyrod ,sugar and liver, said i was fine in them tests. said sometime about sugar crashes or anixty probelsm, which i have, have had for years, some reason its getting bad lately, I also stay up all night till 5 or 7am and sleep till 2 or 3 pm, and dont get much exersize any, very lazy person, like to change but just so hard, and worried i will die from over doing something. all i do is worry about everything, just worried about why i feel so sick each day out of the blue some reason, plz help, sure mean alot to hear from someone who knows about this kinda stuff,,,thanks

02-10-12, 09:08
Hi Brandy,

If the doc says it's anxiety related, and you do suffer from anxiety, then that sounds very likely. Anxiety in itself can be extremely tiring, so this might even be the cause.

I used to worry about everything all the time and it was horrible: it sounds like what you're suffering from is GAD (General Anxiety Disorder) but obviously I'm no doctor and I'm only guessing. Have a look at the details about it on here and see if that sounds like you.

If that is the case, there are tons of things you can do to help yourself, but the main two really are medication and/or therapy. Your best bet is to see your doctor to discuss your options.

Just rest assured that you won't always feel like this and you CAN get better. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how small, and you will get there in time and with the right help.

Take care,

Danny xxx

02-10-12, 14:31
I think it's your anxiety.