View Full Version : Ahhh mole has gone dark red/black overnight

02-10-12, 09:35
Hi all

Hope everyone is feeling ok today.

Just after a little reassurance really. I have a raised mole on my neck it is normally a very pale brown, well I woke this morning and as I was getting ready noticed a black mark on my neck, tried to wipe it off as I thought it was some black fluff or something but no its my mole! Obviously major panic ensued - cold sweat, nausea etc:blush: My hubbie looked at it and said I must have caught it and its bled. I know it was defiantly NOT like this yesterday.

I have a drs appt this am for a med review so will get my Gp to look at it but has anyone else experienced this?

Thanks for reading.xxxxx

02-10-12, 09:57
I am a constant worrier about moles as I have a lot of them and some are quite large.
I have one on my neck that sounds like the one you have just described. It doesn't usually bother me much (unlike some of my other moles) but once whilst on holiday I was wearing a halter neck bikini which much have nicked it a bit and it ended up swelling, and had a spot on it like you described. The rest of my holiday was ruined through worry and I booked an appointment with my gp as soon as I got home.
She had a look at it and said that moles can get caught just like normal skin can, it can't be removed as there is nothing wrong with it, but keep an eye on it.
It returned to normal within a few days and four years later I am still here!
I would wait a few days, leave it completely alone so don't prod it. If it is still worrying you, go get it checked out! Try taking a photo of it now and then in a few days so you have something to compare.
Hope this helps!

02-10-12, 10:00
I would just get your doc to check it this morning when you go to reassure you but if it has just gone like that overnight I expect you will have just caught it while sleeping.

02-10-12, 10:14
If it has changed like that within hours you've caught it. The black bit will be a scab.

I've done exactly the same a few times and worried about it until the scab drops off...

02-10-12, 12:30
Thanks for your replies. Just got bk from drs. She said she thinks I've caught it or a blood blister has formed in it and burst. She said she thinks its fine but wants to see it again in a month. Feeling a little better.xxxx

02-10-12, 12:32
Good news :)