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02-10-12, 12:19
Well having seen the doc,he is sending me for an Ultrasound, as i have all the classic symptoms of gallstones, he has given me Tramodol if the pain gets really bad, and said stay on a low fat diet, so bonus it will help me lose weight.Not actually worried about the op if I have to have to have it but really panicking about the ultrasound, ie maybe it not gall stones, but something far more sinister. At the mo I feel nauseated a lot of the time, have constant niggly pain, sometimes feel hungry, (like it feels as if stomach has just dropped literally), the pain when it starts usually starts as a kind of painful pressure round my ears, then moves down my right side and round and under my ribs. The doc called this referred pain, but can find no info or anyone else that has had this, hence I am now panicking, but so want this pain etc to go away.therefore must be sensible, as am sure all this tension & worry is making it all worse.

02-10-12, 12:23
I had my gall bladder out a few years ago and the pain was under my ribs and down the right side. My doctor thought it was appendicitis at first but I had the scan and it showed gallstones. I had the constant niggly pain too. I had it removed by keyhole surgery.