View Full Version : worried again!

05-08-06, 14:23
Hi has i have posted several times on here about my chest tightness problems im now worried i have angina or asthma because the last few days it seems to be worse when im moving about..also i was cleaning the bath earlier and the cleaning spray seemed to irritate my lungs and my upper throat...do you think its muscle tensionn or something else as i cant seem to shift it?
The problem is now im worrying about exerting myself too much in case my tightness gets worse..then it will confirm my angina or ashtma fears...this is so never ending..

05-08-06, 15:19
Hi ya,
have you tried going to a doctor about it?? i dont know wot your situation is if you can leave your house or whatever but if you cant explain this to your doctor, then he'll make a house call. if you're that worried about it you might as well go and see someone that can help you. i really dont know wot else to suggest. i've got asthma and i've been feeling worse in this hot and humid weather. which of course makes me worry more. but do try to see a doctor if anything just to put your mind at ease.
hope you feel better soon.