View Full Version : Introducing myself

02-10-12, 12:45
Hi everyone.

Just found this site tonight, and thrilled I did. I was dx'd with acute anxiety and PTSD in 2001. Since then I have gotten much worse. I can actually pass out from anxiety attacks/PTSD episodes.

In the last 11 years, I have been called on to "pull the plug" on both my father and most recently, my wife. The "salt in a wound" analogy doesn't even begin to scratch the surface.

Anxiety is wrecking my life. I have to find a way to beat it.

Looking forward to participating in the forum. I am sure I will find a lot of support and advise here. I certainly hope I can give back some too.

02-10-12, 12:55
Hi Death2GAD

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-10-12, 15:57
A very warm welcome to you Death2GAD,

Let's hope we can help you find a way forward with some positivity.

02-10-12, 16:04
Hi Death2gad welcome on board:):):)

02-10-12, 16:13
Just like to :welcome:you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

allan k
02-10-12, 16:21
:welcome: hi friend