View Full Version : what if this is a herx?!?!?!?!

02-10-12, 13:38
so as my previous posts suggests i am worried I have lyme disease!
anyway Ive been on amoxicillin for 10 days now for a ear infection which I get yearly ever since the age of 3 ( bit weird) anyway ...... i read that lyme patients get a herx reaction when starting treatment as the bacteria begins to die off.... I read about the herx symptoms a while ago and when i started abx i did think ' omg imagine i started getting a herx like the lyme patients .... as i know amox can treat lyme in some cases) anyway.....
I dont know if this is a case of placebo/ mind over matter/ mind giving symptoms but since saturday i feel like my temperature is elevating and that my heart is beating really fast when i take a tablet..... do you think im causing this myself ??? i cant help thinking this is all lyme bacteria dying off inside me!!!!
Im so scared I feel really trapped by all of this...... also i started getting tension headaches and sore tender areas in head when i started the abx and headaches are a herx symptom :( waaaaa HELP PLEASE

02-10-12, 13:53
I'm going to be blunt: I'm quite sure that you are causing the 'hot flush' & rapid heart rate when taking a tablet, yes. Especially now that you have consciously noticed it and expect it to happen. These are classic anxiety symptoms.

I'm happy to be proven wrong if you get an unquestionable Lyme diagnosis, but I can't help thinking this: you obviously know that you have anxiety, and all the symptoms you have posted can be explained by anxiety, whereas you are (in reality) guessing that you have Lyme. Surely if you know you have anxiety and your symptoms back this up, it should be this you are working on reducing, rather than wasting your time learning all about a disease you probably don't have? I imagine that if you put as much effort into addressing your anxiety you would find that your symptoms start to reduce.

02-10-12, 14:07
Hi ellie thanks for your reply...
I know anxiety can cause things but my physical symptoms seem to weird and not inline with what i see on here! they feel neurological :(

02-10-12, 14:13
Hi ellie thanks for your reply...
I know anxiety can cause things but my physical symptoms seem to weird and not inline with what i see on here! they feel neurological :(

If I had just a penny for every time an anxiety sufferer said that!

Anxiety mimics neurological disorders.

02-10-12, 15:20
The site I sent you yesterday had a comprehensive list of symptoms and most if not all of yours were listed. Did you read it at all?

02-10-12, 15:29
yes i did i cant believe all that could be anxiety!!!!
do you think they really all could be?

02-10-12, 15:47
Yes I do in all honesty and as I said on your other post if you had Lyme's you must have had the red mark etc etc. I looked up pics and you can't miss it if you had it.

02-10-12, 16:38
yes i did i cant believe all that could be anxiety!!!!
do you think they really all could be?

Anxiety can basically pretty much "cause" ANY symptom you are fearful of in my experience. For example in your case, you are fearful of the symptoms associated with Lyme, so your mind will have anxiously tuned itself in to checking (even subconsciously) for symptoms which could be associated with Lyme. The minute your anxious mind notices even the most subtle symptom that could be associated with Lyme it zooms in on it, becomes more anxious about it, and this attention + the adrenaline factor makes the symptom appear magnified and therefore more serious (so more likely to be Lyme). In reality, this is caused by nothing more than fear.

02-10-12, 17:04
I'm going to be blunt: I'm quite sure that you are causing the 'hot flush' & rapid heart rate when taking a tablet, yes. Especially now that you have consciously noticed it and expect it to happen. These are classic anxiety symptoms.

I'm happy to be proven wrong if you get an unquestionable Lyme diagnosis, but I can't help thinking this: you obviously know that you have anxiety, and all the symptoms you have posted can be explained by anxiety, whereas you are (in reality) guessing that you have Lyme. Surely if you know you have anxiety and your symptoms back this up, it should be this you are working on reducing, rather than wasting your time learning all about a disease you probably don't have? I imagine that if you put as much effort into addressing your anxiety you would find that your symptoms start to reduce.

I loved this Elle-Kay. I call it "tough love" and I am taking note...because I have been worried about allsorts with these boils!! My health anxiety seems to of replaced my regular anxiety..I felt fine going to the shops etc today. Too concerned with the fact that I may need my leg amputated (or maybe not) lol x