View Full Version : to those who know what its like

05-08-06, 15:28
Hey, my name is emily beth, i'm 21.
I had my first panic attack when i was 17 and since then i've felt as though something inside me makes all the decishions in my life. iv'e only had a few attacks, thats not what bothers me, i can live with panic attaks, i suffer from all the syptoms. The worst thing for me is the constant light headedness dizzyness depersonlization and fatugie. I got rid of my panic when i was 19, it was fantastic i even traveled europe and worked in barcelona without a single doubt.
But then one night a month ago i started thinking i was dieing, my heart was going mad, then my breathing went. you see it had been so long since i'd felt panic that i'd forgoten what it felt like. after about another mounth of tests my doctor came to one awnser "your panic has come back"
I can't tell you how much i cryed, you will all understand when i say if you have this disorder your life just has to come to a stop and you just have to try and recover, i know its possible because ive done it before.
They put me on citalapram again, witch im not happy about because i worked hard to come of that drug and made a point of getting over it with nothing but will power.
Sometimes i acept this sometimes i despair.
Sometimes i get angry about it, because its not fair but its also no ones fault. Where do i direct this anger?
I have very good friends as much as thier there for me they can't undrstand, iv'e always said this is a very lonley disorder and the only way i can explain it to them is to say; i would honestly rather lose a limb.
Before this all started i was a singer, at times i just feel as tho i'm a former shadow of myself.
When i was 17 i let it take over me step by step, giving up on certain aspects of my life bit by bit untill i was to afraid to step out the fornt door, it was easyer to let it take me under than strugle up for air.
I can't let that happen again, i'll get over this for the second time carry on with my studies and reach my goal. we can do it.x

05-08-06, 15:36
hi emily beth
welcome to the forum,youll meet loads of great people on here and get some brill advice, i suffer with panic attacks too and altough ive probably only had about 2 attacks its the fear of having them that stops me getting on with my life and i fear that im letting them take over my life but i agree with you that we can not let this beat us.
take care feel free to pm me anytme you want to talk


05-08-06, 16:18
Hello Emily Beth, I am so sorry that you have gotten back your panic attacks. I too had gotten rid of mine and out the blue here it is again. You beat it once and you can do it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):) Don't give up on yourselve and hang in there. This forum can help you too. There are alot of good and kind people who are more than willing to help you. Hope you will get better soon. Keep on fighting.


05-08-06, 17:09
Hi Emily Beth,

You seem to have so much going for you, I know that you will beat this again. This forum will help you so much. You will make so many friends and get any information that you may need. A big welcome to you.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

05-08-06, 17:40
Hi ya Emily-beth,
welcome to the site. i also suffer panic attacks and have been for 6.5 years. it does change your life but you cant let it beat you. although at times its so hard. just keep fighting it. take one day at a time.
take care.

polly daydream
05-08-06, 20:07
Hi Emily beth and welcome to the forum. Know just how you feel sweet.

Take care,


05-08-06, 20:12

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

06-08-06, 14:42

Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of help and support here! [^]

x x

06-08-06, 14:50
Hi Emily Beth

Welcome aboard.

Sorry to hear you are suffering again and I hope we can help you get back on track again.


06-08-06, 17:18
Welcome to the forum Emily-Beth
love Helen

06-08-06, 17:41
Welcome aboard, Emily Beth.

You are right about the "losing a limb" scenario. If you had lost one, you would get a lot more sympathy and understanding from your friends. But don't criticise them for that, as everyone is the same.

Anyway, you sound positive, and am sure you will get your life back.

Hope to see (hear) you singing again before long!



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

06-08-06, 21:45
I think one can get back on track. It seems difficult sometimes. I don't know why we let the same symptoms come back and scare us so much. Most of us know that when we calm down, the symptoms subside. I think calming down must be the hard part, however, we know it can be done. I think if we continue to give each other support, we can all succeed.


06-08-06, 22:51
Welcome, im sure you will find many understanding people in the same boat, you are doing great again, take care and keep fighting.xxx

07-08-06, 14:03
thanks to everyone for your suport, im on citalopram and starting to feel bit better. i only wish the world was more aware of what we suffer from.xxx

07-08-06, 14:20

Loved your post......I feel the same at the mo.
Just when i begin to feel vaguely normal....it smacks me in the head with a gently reminder...."im still here"

Hay x

Hay x

07-08-06, 14:47
i know, i refuse to accept it but im tired of fighting.x
