View Full Version : heart flutters/food poisoning?

02-10-12, 14:26
hi guys,

havent been on here for a while as my anx has improved a little bit thanks to CBT and some other factors, but now im back for reassurance :( gutted as i was doing quite well.

anyway, ive had a heart fluttering sensation pretty much constantly for a day and a half now. ive done quite well not working up into a full on panic attack for the most part, but im starting to get worried. it started yesterday morning. the day before, i stupidly ate reheated rice (i thought it was pretty hot but im now thinking maybe not hot enough). i have had a bit of an upset stomach, nothing too bad, but this nausea/heart fluttering/feeling im not breathing right, is constant and its starting to make me worry :(

ive tried to look up whether the heart flutteriness is consistent with food poisoning from rice, but i saw the word "fatal" and started to panic. could someone please tell me if i should be seeking medical help for rice food poisoning? i cant google the symptoms or rice food poisoning without having a panic :(

urgent answer would be appreciated xxx

02-10-12, 15:41
Have you thought of ringing the nhs helpline for some advice ,I mean if it was bad food poisoning you would feel really poorly I would imagine ,and I think some of it sounds like anxiety , I get all these symptoms hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

02-10-12, 16:05
The "reheated rice syndrome" is caused by a toxin produced by bacteria. There are two types.

1) The vomiting type (takes around 1-6 hours)
2) The diarrhoeal type (takes around 8-16 hours)

Considering you ate the rice well out of that time period, I would say it's anxiety causing the problem. I am terrified of reheating rice and have spent hours and hours looking into it before. Hope that helps a bit.

02-10-12, 16:09
I think that your anxiety is playing up big time. Can you go and see a Doctor?