View Full Version : Mood Swings

02-10-12, 15:45

I've been on 20mg of Citalopram since April for constant anxiety and panic attacks. Over the last month my moodswings have been terrible. I keep getting really angry and the stupidest little thing is making me loose my temper. I don't usually get like that. When I really loose it I end up crying for the rest of the day.
I mentionned this when I saw my Dr on Friday and she put my Citalopram upto 30mg.
Does anyone else get these moodswings?

09-10-12, 13:08
Yep, me. I've been on 20mg of Fluoxetine and recently crashed. Mood swings are awful, ok one minute then angry the next then restless and despairing the next. My GPs answer is to triple my dose. Whether that's the right thing to do or not I don't know. Really wish I could see a Psychiatrist as they can tinker with medication more. I don't think GPs really know what they're doing with psychiatric medication.