View Full Version : Need help please, feel weird

02-10-12, 17:53
After reading a book for a few hours i feel spaced out. I was really focused on reading and after i was done i just felt weird, kinda like my head is in the clouds but not in a good way...dreamy..Its sorta like brain fog and i don't even feel that anxious..its like my brain not functioning at 100%.. need reassurance please!! :(

---------- Post added at 16:53 ---------- Previous post was at 16:35 ----------

Im just waiting for this to go away been more than an hour now..

02-10-12, 17:53
I get exactly the same. Think it's part of anxiety but not sure why.

02-10-12, 17:56
I get this too. Like when you go to the cinema and you're in the dark for 2 hours concentrating on the film..when you come out it's like...WOW! I think it is a good thing that you have distracted with a book. You may of then made the feeling worse by thinking too much into it...Even before I had anxiety I would get this feeling after reading but didn't worry about it. Anxiety just heightens it and makes it seem scary. It's normal!!

02-10-12, 17:57
Me too..it is all part of anxiety even when you are not always feeling that anxious. Hope you feel better soon, but the longer you think about it the longer it will take to go. Try to do something to take your mind of it :hugs:

02-10-12, 18:04
Thnx so much for the replies i really appreciate it!!! my head just feels weird foggy and slow like i cant think clear, i hope it goes soon its already a little better

02-10-12, 18:31
Hi, I know it's probably easier said than done, but try to forget about it. I had this once and it sent me into a panic mode, rang my gp just told me to relax and not to think about it :)

02-10-12, 19:12
I get this a lot too, especially if I sit doing my patchwork for a while. What I've also noticed is that because I'm concentrating on one thing for such a long time I get a bit dehydrated. A cold glass of water normally makes me feel a bit more with it so give it a try

Jenni xx