View Full Version : I got a small spot like lump appear on my neck...bit concerned! advice?

02-10-12, 21:08
I noticed it a few days ago and thought it was a spot coming to the surface, but it has stayed the same since then. It's really small, literally the size of a spot.

Anyone got any idea of what it could be? Thanks.

02-10-12, 21:14
It could be a spot, a boil, a cyst, an insect bite.

Without seeing it we can't really say though.

If it gets worse then pop and see the doctor but it will probably go on its own

Why are you worried about it can I ask?

02-10-12, 21:25
It could be a spot, a boil, a cyst, an insect bite.

Without seeing it we can't really say though.

If it gets worse then pop and see the doctor but it will probably go on its own

Why are you worried about it can I ask?

Because I'm paranoid about every little lump and bump lol. Honestly, I am over paranoid about my health. I used to be a really bad hypochondriac, but I'm doing well now, until this! Now I'm all worried and paranoid again lol crazy eh? :shrug:

02-10-12, 22:16
have you read this .....


it may help