View Full Version : Tearing My Hair Out (Compulsion)

02-10-12, 22:33
For the past few days I have resorted to tearing my hair out of my head. I find that this helps me. I am at it every few minutes. I can do it all day long really. I find that the pain of doing this distracts me from anxiety and panic. Is it wrong to do this? Lately it feels like an addiction for me. I am constantly at it. The feeling I get from it rescues me from my symptoms and I feel like I don't need my Bach Remedy Spray. Do anyone else feel this helps?

02-10-12, 22:34
It's OCD called trichotillamania ...I've suffered all my life with it. It is calming, until you see a bald patch and then get stressed...

02-10-12, 22:36
I don't think it's OCD. I just feel the relief from it is comforting

02-10-12, 22:37
I didn't realise it was an actual, recognised thing, but I've done this for years - when I'm stressed or anxious I pull all the stray hairs out of my crown area, and any that aren't laying in the right direction for how I'm wearing my hair.

02-10-12, 22:38
I've had it 36yrs and it does fall under OCD...depends on how bad you feel the need to do it I guess...maybe you don't have the compulsive urges ...

02-10-12, 22:40
I didn't realise it was an actual, recognised thing, but I've done this for years - when I'm stressed or anxious I pull all the stray hairs out of my crown area, and any that aren't laying in the right direction for how I'm wearing my hair.

I'm glad you mentioned "Stray Hair" Elle. I find I obsess about those hairs that "Stand up" and "Stick Out" :)

Paul H
03-10-12, 19:01
It's not a problem, as such, it's a symptom - a coping mechanism. What is it which really bothers you?

03-10-12, 19:14
I just want to stop doing it really. I was OK today when I was out and about, but the minute I got home and settled down I began doing it again. It's time I got a hair cut now and I'm dreading it because I won't be able to pull very short hairs out.

Paul H
03-10-12, 19:27
What purpose does it serve? I know you feel more relaxed whilst doing it but what is it which stresses you into seeking trichotillomania as a solution?

---------- Post added at 19:27 ---------- Previous post was at 19:25 ----------

I ask this because, as I said, pulling hair is a symptom. If you stopped that then something else would arise to take its place. There is an underlying problem which needs ad
dressing. Killing symptomatic behaviours is a fool's errand. Who knows what would come next?

03-10-12, 19:28
I don't know. I usually do it when I'm stressed, restless, depressed or anxious. I can't even remember how long I'm doing it it's been going on so long. It seems like it's a part of my daily routine the past few months. I guess it makes me relax a little when I feel the little twinge after I pull a good few strands out of my head.

Paul H
03-10-12, 19:43
OK. So, what are you stressed or worried about at the moment, today?

03-10-12, 19:45
It wasn't a good day today. I won't go into details because I have already posted a thread about it, but tearing my hair out today settles me and takes the edge off of what I am feeling. I'm still doing it now. I'm obsessed with stray hairs after brushing my hair a good few times. No matter how many stray hairs I pull out, the next time I comb there seems to be even more. I need to pull them out and especially the grey ones.

03-10-12, 19:46
do you not create bald patches?

03-10-12, 19:53
I know exactly how you feel, I do it today and it does relieve the stress at the time but I do get bald patches. I have gone through phases of having my head shaved and I hate it :(

03-10-12, 19:54
I'm not worried about that to be honest with you.

03-10-12, 20:26
I have found these cushions that are like big hairy fluffy things, it feels just like hair so I can twizzle it and do that I do with my hair but without the baldness. It isn't the same sensation entirelly but i think if you can occupy your hands it will help.

03-10-12, 20:46
I think I'm doing fine with the hair tearing. Just brushed my hair again and found more strays and grey hairs to be plucked out. It's annoying at this stage, but they need to be pulled out. Washing my hair is a nightmare. I part my hair, comb it over and still these hairs pop up and need to be torn out.