View Full Version : Apprehensive to take Fluoxetine after reading this

02-10-12, 22:48
I've been on Setraline which once the side effects settled down (and apart from feeling a bit emotionally detached) worked quite well I am switching drugs because I gained a bit of weight on it and Fluoxetine is suppose to be one where weight shouldn't be an issue but after reading this has made me a bit apprehensive to take it.


02-10-12, 22:51
That is really old article though and a lot has probably changed since then.

I took Prozac once and did put on weight.

02-10-12, 22:57
Odd Prozac is the one usually associated with weight loss and would the chemical composition of Prozac have changed much since then? :)

02-10-12, 23:23
Don't know but I put weight on with it lol

I guess everyone is different.

03-10-12, 10:26
i've lost almost a stone probably due to lack of appetite. much needed actually as i did have a bit of a beer belly coming on! I do crave carbs and sweets though but my weight hasn't gone back up.

03-10-12, 10:50
I find my weight goes down the first few weeks, regardless of the quantity of food I eat and then I just put lots of weight on, again regardless of how much I eat and then when I stop taking prozac it all falls off again!

This article really scared me! I have to admit I was feeling suicidal up until week 5, I am now getting to week 6, but I never had a thought of killing someone. However, I did feel very agitated!! I suppose you just have to get through the first few weeks. It would have been interesting to see if there is still a chance of this happening after the first few weeks, or whether these "side effects," tend to happen in the first few weeks!

Maybe we will never know!


03-10-12, 11:54
I have been on anti D's for over 10 years and recently decided that due to weight gain (5 stone) that I would come of of Sertraline and try something different. My GP precribed me Prozac and all I can say is that I wouyld rather deal with the weight gain than the way I am feeling now !!! I feel soooooooo angry and agitated and wore than I have in a very long time !!!

03-10-12, 12:04
Prozac never agreed with me in the past i tried it twice and both times was a mess, but its different for everyone, i think to try it out wouldnt be a bad thing because you just never know, it may do wonders for you.

10-10-12, 18:29
Dr David Healy is my dr now. All ssris can cause this reaction both in start up and withdrawal but mainly in w/d.

If you are ok with sert then prozac should also be fine. But please if you feel you need a medication be careful to taper off very slowly when you want to quit