View Full Version : Heart failure?

03-10-12, 07:27
Hi I just don't know what to do anymore I'm sitting here crying. For years I've suffered from panic attacks, palps chest pains and I'm obsessed about dying. The thing is now I'm worried that I have heart failure there are so many health stories on tv in paper about hearts and that is my no.1 fear. I've been getting ectopics, chest pains I also get a pounding heart when I go upstairs. I have a pounding in my left ear that drives me insane it's worse when I'm trying to sleep. I have seen lots of doctors over the last 5 years and had e g's blood tests, chest x ray. They all say its anxiety, but is it really surely all these symptoms can't be anxiety. I looked up on google last night and everything points to heart failure. I also have this thing where I keep having to clear my throat it drives my family crazy. But I know that having a persistent cough can be to do with heart failure. My body aches so much my neck aches and is so tense, I get shooting pains in my head, arms chest everywhere. I just don't know what to do anymore. Please help me I'm at a loss :;(:weep::weep:

03-10-12, 07:42
Sorry to hear your in a bad way, the thing is all your symptoms are anxiety ones. I always google my symptoms and scare myself silly thinking i'm dying only to be told by the doctor i'm fine. If you have had all the tests done and they are clear that tells me that you fine, I worried about heart failure about 6 months ago and had very similar symptoms, thoose symptoms have, have gone for me now, Try to trust your doctor and your results when he tells you it's anxiety!!

03-10-12, 10:57
Hi Bashley

Firstly I'm sorry you're suffering with this. I know how horrible it can be.

I suffer exactly the same as you. My one big fear, and I am CONVINCED, is that there is something wrong with my heart and I have heart failure. I have suffered with this for 2 years. I get palpitations in my throat and I can gte them at rest or doing houseework or even just sitting at my desk at work. It's horrible. I, too, have had ecgs, blood tests, even a full health check and everything came back normal. Right now, even thinking about it I can feel a flutter in my chest.

I do know exactly where you are coming from and how hard it is. I'm still trying to train my mind into thinking it's all anxity related but, like you, i can't believe how all of these symptoms can be anxiety. My newest symptom is a pain up in my jaw under my chin which shoots down my neck and to my left shoulder. I also get aching arms, chest pains, eerything that can be associated with the heart.

The one thing that gets me by is the truth from a doctor I saw a while back who said to me that if it was heart related I would be dead because the heart would not be able to take on that much stress for such a long time and it would have given up by now. It's not much but it does put things into perspective.

and whatever you do - do NOT rely on Doctor Google. Only yesterday I read an article that had symptoms of heart failure and they could be applied to anyone! It was so ridiculous. I would see your doctor though and really express your concerns about your heart further.

That's what I have done and I'm waiting on a cardiologist appointment.

I hope this has made you feel better knowing you're not alone and I suffer just the same as you with the symptoms and worrying about heart failure. xxxxxxxx

03-10-12, 11:04
Re the above - the jaw pain sounds a not like tmjd, I have the exact same pain, maybe ask your dentist?

03-10-12, 13:21
Can I just come at this from a different angle and say that I am living with heart failure so can try and answer any questions you may have if you would like me to.

I just want to take the scariness away from it all.