View Full Version : A positive post and hugs for you all xx

03-10-12, 12:00
Good morning everyone, i just wanted to share my thoughts today with you. I am on my third day of sertraline and i have to say i am feeling brighter, i know its early days but i really do feel better today, the se are fine and nothing i cant cope with. I actually enjoyed the chaos of the morning this morning, getting kids ready for school and driving them to school was good, minimal anxiety. I had a lovely call from a friend last night, i hide this from everyone, but this friend had noticed what was going on with me, and they just wanted me to know that they had actually gone through the same thing, and not to be scared to share my feelings and that they are supporting me, this was lovely to hear. If anyone who is reading this feels scared to start an anti depressant, please please dont be, it can be the thing that makes all the difference. Also want to say thanks so much for those of you who have replied to my posts and messaged me, you have been a huge support for me, and i think that if you can manage to reach out and help someone else who is going through this then my god, you have the strength to do anything! You are an amazing bunch of people. hope you are all having a good day :) love and hugs xxxxx

03-10-12, 12:07
What a lovely post! I'm so glad to hear that you are making progress and feeling supported. It sounds like your positive attitude is helping a lot. I look forward to reading about your continued progress. Good for you! Well done Laura! :bighug1:

03-10-12, 12:11
I am so pleased you are feeling better and that is a lovely post from you :) I hope you continue to improve. x

03-10-12, 12:30
Awwww! What a lovely post! This is absolutely excellent news! Nothing greater than that moment of clarity you get on a really good day! So glad the mornign went so well! I have been up and cleaning today myself! The only way is up!!! xx

03-10-12, 13:08
I'm so pleased you're feeling better Laura :) I've been thinking about you and checking for new posts to see how you are often.

03-10-12, 13:10
Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast! That's the spirit! ~Glad that you are doing well!!!!!

03-10-12, 13:11
See what i mean :) , you guys are amazing, even though you are all going through your own hell, you still find it in you to check on me, i am so glad i found this forum, and i must admid, i do the same, checking up on you guys too lol. group hug lol xxxxx