View Full Version : Worrying About Money

03-10-12, 14:25
Does anybody else have worry about money when they don't really need to?

I constantly worry non stop about money and if I will be able to pay the bills.

At the minute our situation is fine, but I constantly think "What happens if I get ill and I don't get sick pay" or "what happens if I suddenly get made redundant".

03-10-12, 14:51
I have been in both situations of getting ill and losing part of my pay and then being made redundant.

I am not well enough to work full time now so I only work a few hours here and there so can earn as much as £24 a week at the moment.

Family and my partner help though and I saved wisely for many years so I have that to keep me going as well.

You just cope because you have to at the end of the day.

03-10-12, 14:53
Just to add that I would definitely put a plan in place to save some money each month for the future.

03-10-12, 15:06
I am going through the steps of the basics like looking to convert my energy suppliers to save money, car insurance, cancelling un needed things that I don't use.

It is like I worry about it even though it hasn't happened or is even in the pipeline. The other day I worried about if I lost my driving license for drink driving (I never even have 1 when driving) and then I would lose my job so what would I do.


03-10-12, 15:08
Do you suffer with anxiety at all?

These can be normal "what if" thoughts that you can turn in to "so what's".

03-10-12, 15:13
Oh yes, I have bad anxiety but it is mostly money related that I worry about. I have also always been quite obsessive about things, if I am working on something I can't stop it until I have figured it out.

I have had 1 session with a therapist and my 2nd is tommorow .

I think the issue is trying to get rid of the thoughts at stage 1 before they snowball but I just wondered how other people coped.

03-10-12, 15:22
I worry about this constantly. I am currently taking out a lot of student loans to finish my master's degree ... I wish I didn't have to, but unfortunately I do. The system is not right and I don't think we should have to pay this much for an education ... but anyway now off my soapbox.

I have trouble because I can only work part-time with school and an internship (unpaid) ... I physically don't have time for more. I worry because my fiance is paying most of the bills because he works full time, but once I graduate I am terrified I won't find a job! What a crummy economy! If we both have full time jobs I won't be as worried, but then comes paying off my student loans ... for eternity.

I struggle internally because I feel guilty that he is supporting me even though there was a time where I was working full time and supporting him. That's marriage, a give and take, trade-off, right? I just can't stop stressing though.

03-10-12, 17:24
I know what you mean, at the minute my partner is working part time but I am the sole earner in the house which adds pressure. If it came down to it I would happily work 15 hour shifts in McDonalds if that was the only job available to be able to survive so I don't have any issues with work it is just money.

I don't have a bad job, it is average pay and covers the main bills. I am not behind on any payments and not in bad debt but the thought of it does scare the hell out of me.