View Full Version : Stupid colds!!

03-10-12, 16:19
Hi everyone, hope you're well. My issue is that a few weeks ago I got a little annoying cold. It went away but the cough remained, just a tickly one. Then it seemed to develop into a HORRIBLE cold and I felt terrible for a couple of days. Then it went away. Then last week, it came back! It just seems like I can't get rid of it. I just sort of feel snotty and it's like the post nasal drip that's making me cough. I'm just freaking out because of my leukemia/lymphoma fears and worried if it's because my immune system is down. I haven't really been eating properly which I know is really bad but I googled lymphoma symptoms, (I know.... :( ) And some people say it's like a cold they can't get rid of! Of course, I imagine that I feel lumps everywhere but I'm too scared to go to the doctors as per... ARGH! I've had the leukemia/lymphoma fear for over a year now, so would I feel that terrible by now?

03-10-12, 16:27
I am freaking out about the same thing right now but my understanding is that with lymphoma you find a lump first, and you will have night sweats and extreme tiredness also!
I have a major lymphoma phobia and have really swollen glands in my neck, and an awful cold.
I think with lymphoma it is a gradual process, as in it starts with a lump which gets bigger, then tiredness and run down, then night sweats.
You would probably be run down in other ways, getting lots of infections etc.
If you are worried try going to the doctors for blood tests etc.

03-10-12, 17:30
Thanks for the reply. I've just read so many differing accounts of people who have had lymphoma and some of them find no lumps or have no symptoms or they have a cough/cold, night sweats, sinus infections.... argh! I just hate how it's so vague. I don't THINK I have any lumps, I keep poking and prodding and I suppose I can imagine anything is a lump. I hate this.

03-10-12, 17:37
I am feeling the exact same. Google doesn't help! Going to wait mines out a week and then call the doctors and see what happens. It is horrible!

04-10-12, 00:23
It sounds like a minor chest infection - your body's immune system probably isn't strong enough to get rid of it so you should consider:

1. Visiting your doctor to have a check up
2. Start taking vitamin (C in particular)

04-10-12, 20:35
Vitamin C is really effective.