View Full Version : Rescue remedy

04-06-04, 16:31
Hi everyone,
hubby bought some for me today and I need to know how to use it? For example if I'm having a bad night [LOL are there any other types of night?] do I squirt a bit then? And is there a limit to how much you should use it[?]

Love Tess
ps having a bad weepy day today after a good day yesterday - so tired only 3 hours sleep and that in patches [|)]

04-06-04, 16:34
2- 4 drops neat on tongue as needed and 2 squirts in bottle of water and sip liberally . I used to change it every 24 hrs

If all else fails swig neat... !! Won't make it better any faster as it works on a vibrational level but sure helped me 'feel' better - if a complete waste of money.

Cannot overdose, no sideeffects . Its subtle.


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

04-06-04, 19:25

Whilst ur here, can u have 6 or 8 a day, coz i have been rather anxious for wats cumin up on monday

Scooter Girl

04-06-04, 20:26
hi tess,,

which one did you buy???and which make???

i bought the jan de vries ,,emergency essence,,,and for me is pretty good have only bin using it fot a couple of days but certainatly does seem to relax me,,,

so all the best for you xx



04-06-04, 20:52
It is the Bach one. I bought the spray and the drops just in case!
Meg what do you mean by a vibrational level? also don't understand the complete waste of money bit[?] Am I dim tonight or what:D

Scooter girl try not to get worked up about Monday. I know that is easy for someone else to say. Be like saying to me tonight "no your stomach isn't really awful, nothing bad is going to happen to you." Take care love and try and have a nice weekend first:)

love Tess

04-06-04, 21:10

I think what Meg means about it being a waste of money is that although it might not work in the same way that drugs/medication works, for some people it is a psyhcological crutch that works because you believe in it.
I think I fall into that category because im not sure I believe it but I feel beter as soon as I take it because I know I have taken something to help myself...does that make sense?

jade - you can take as much as you need, it is totally harmless and no side effects.

take care
Love Sarah

we arent mad, just the next stage of evolution :)

04-06-04, 21:34
Hmmm, I took it that Meg meant it was a waste of money cos you are swigging so much that the bottle doesn't last as long, and, even though you are taking in more, it doesn't work any better than taking the recomended dosage!!!!!!

Kate x

04-06-04, 21:51

I too have a bottle of 'Rescue Remedy' but I'm not quite sure when to take it - do you have a few drops before you go into a stress provoking situation, do you have it if you feel pancic coming on or do you have it in the middle of the attack? And does it really work or is just a placebo do you think? Advice much appreciated!

Jo x

04-06-04, 23:27
You got me spot on Kate,

More is not better - just more . 2-4 drops is all you need.

Jo.m - all of the above situations .

I used several of the individual essences as well as rescue and they were great for me . I used to carry round 5 bottles and use which ever I needed most at that time.


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

05-06-04, 19:01
Hi all,

just wanted to say how funny it is, we can all read the same thing, but get a different message from it.

Is`nt that the same in everything in life?????

LOL............... :-D

I was kinda thinking what your thought was on Megs statement too Kate. ;)

Then again Sarahs makes perfectly good sense too.

LOL................ ;-D

Take care all, and have a great day.


Diana xxxx

06-06-04, 17:24
Hee hee

Ok so I got it wrong...lol

take care
love Sarah

lilac kitten
07-06-04, 11:25

I bought some RR at the weekend and used it Saturday and Yesterday. I had to take my son to a pool party in the afternoon, and all four of us, my two sons and my partner, went along. I'd already volunteered to go in the pool and help the ones with armbands and keep an eye on the kids (why did I agree to that?!). Anyway I took the RR about an hour before and survived the whole lot. Going in the pool, my partner going home and leaving me there during the party because baby was 'into everything and fidgety' and even sat and chatted to other parents after.

I wasn't as calm as calm could be, but I got through it without too much ado, which is more than I could normally cope with.

Only time will tell I guess, but if it works who's complaining?

Good luck

07-06-04, 15:23
I will take better care to explain myself next time ..

Well done on coping - Ruth. Great progress.


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

07-06-04, 17:17
Well done Ruth :D. I've been using mine this last couple of days and took it in my handbag when I went out this morning - I thnik it is working[^].

On a different subject how good is this guys[?]. I had rung my surgery on friday but my doc was on holiday. Unsure if I wanted an appointment or not they said they would get him to ring me this morning. Then this morning I rang them to say no don't ring I will make an appointment for Thursday. Then at lunchtime the phone rang and it was my doc bless him:). I said I'd cancelled the call but he said he just wanted to check on how I was as I had rung on friday. Just how good a doctor is that, I'm really lucky :D:D

love Tess xx

07-06-04, 17:25
Lovely to hear about doctors like that .

You can nominate him for GP of the county.


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

07-06-04, 19:04

Well done you for coping so well. ;)

I will be sure to give mine a go now, after hearing your and Tess`s stories.

Sounds harmless enough ey? ;)


I agree you are very lucky to have a doc like yours. ;)

Here`s hoping everyone is well, and anxiety/panic free today.

Take care all,

Diana xxx