View Full Version : Feeling like a failure most of the time

03-10-12, 17:08
Deep down I know I'm not the only anxiety sufferer feeling like this, but I feel so alone right now. I don't know why I keep having panic attacks and waking up with this horrible feeling that my heart is sick (a feeling that will stick with me for days or even weeks). I have PVCs and even if I can be rational about it, when it happens, I just panic. It's been years and I feel like everybody else around me has been able to cope with their anxiety problems but me. I feel so helpless and weak. I'm starting a new year at the university this week and I was looking forward to it thinking I would feel so much better by the end of the summer. Obviously I was wrong. I'm sorry for the long post, I just feel like a burden to my friends and family and when I do "whine" about my problems to them, I just feel more alone.

03-10-12, 18:15
I no what you mean theres times I sit and cry I feel that lonely ,I try and keep myself busy it helps me forget for a while ,I find talking to people helps to ,but I no what your saying I feel the same as tho im burdening them ,God knows unless you suffer with anxiety you carnt really understand it just takes rest and time I hope you feel better soon take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

03-10-12, 18:52
The key to overcoming anx, is to try and live like you dont have the condition. Dont spend all your time thinking, talking and researching about it... The mind cannot move on and forget your anxiety if all you do is consume yourself in nothing else but anxiety.
95% of the thoughts you have today will be the same ones tomorrow....so question is, what are you thinking about!??
Distractions are key, living in the real world are key too, and university should help you get out there and live again.

03-10-12, 18:55
I feel that way too all the time.My psychologist says that I 'm being too harsh on myself and that I don't have any empathy for myself as well.I suffered from panic attacks during July which have been mostly triggered by Red Bull and caffeine,but I didn't know that were panic attacks.Now I 've moved with my parents,can't go to work because I had a horrible panic attack in my car which lasted for 3 hours. Now,I go mostly everywhere with my mother,except when I walk the dog out,or go out with friends.I've managed to go to my psychologist by taxi on my own,but still I take this as a failure.I'm on day 14 on Cipralex but still anxiety kicks bad. I have some xanax as well until the meds kick in.I take my car every now and then but can't get easily on highways and traffic lights.I drive mostly around the suburb/area I live.Still I take this as a failure.Two days ago I managed to go and buy some food for my dog and made it to the gas station.Still not pleased with myself. I don't think I will ever get well or over this.

03-10-12, 19:10

I'm really sorry to hear about what you're going through. I go through the exact same thing.

As Stormsky said, the best thing you can do is live as if you don't have a condition, live as if everything is fine even if it is difficult at first, your mind will the adapt to the new situation and slowly start going back to one of your most confident states.

Don't be so harsh on yourselves, any of you. You have a condition due to a chemical imbalance in the brain and it is NOT your fault. Just try and live each day like it's your last and smile throughout everything. It will get better.

All the best,