View Full Version : new here and scared

03-10-12, 18:39
Hi: I have never used a forum before so spent the last hour trying to figure it out (in anxiety mode of course). Good start.
I suffer from I guess generalized anxiety (the kind that won't stop) and depression at least for the last few months. Started Cipralex 7 days ago, now can't eat, raging anxiety through the day, until I take an ativan around supper time. Been off work for 3 weeks, and I'm so scared. I feel so sad that I've reached my fifties and this is where I'm at.

I need to hear from somebody that I'm not on the wrong antidepressant and that I should ride out the cipralex longer. I'm only on 5m so far.

03-10-12, 18:50
Hi cos123

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

03-10-12, 18:56
Hi there,
meds can take 4 wks or more before you start feeling benefits, so its early days, hang in there.
Do you have family/friends that support you? Whats caused the anx in the last few months?
You will get lots of help and support here x

03-10-12, 19:06
Hi Stormsky: So good to hear from anyone. these 7 days have felt like an eternity. I feel so judged by my husband because I can't get well. My sister suffers from bad anxiety and depression as well and trying to deal with her over the last few years, I finally cracked myself in August. Nothing works for her, so its in my head, we have the same genes so nothing will work for me too. I have to get out of the house before my husband gets home so at least I can say I didn't sit here all day just suffering. If I can just cook supper i will have accomplished something right?

05-10-12, 00:50
Little accomplishments each day help when getting through that first month. Cooking, reading, studying, cleaning, coffee with a friend. A few weeks ago I was pleased to finish anything i started, including watching a movie.

I find gradually the depression lifts and now im fed up and nervous...but that is more manageable at least...then hopefully the nerves fade a bit.

Anyway, it does take time, which is the hardest thing for non-sufferers to understand.

If you write down how you feel each day went with a rating, hopefully you'll see in a month that you have improved.

05-10-12, 01:03
Don't go thinking your recovery will mirror your sisters...it wont..you are an individual , you've got some knowledge already of her Anx and depression, so you've got the tools and more knowledge... Meds take some weeks to kick in, so that's early days yet... Distraction and positive thinking are key... Try to live like you don't have the condition....

05-10-12, 19:47
Welcome to the forums. :) 7 days is still very early - some people take a few weeks before they start to feel better. I lost my appetite for the first few days as well. See how you get on for another month or so and if you don't feel any better you should go back to your doctor.