View Full Version : emetophobic really worrying:(

03-10-12, 22:13
hi guys! feel like i need some reasurrance:( i have had a terrible day today! my emetophobia has been really bad! this morning a guy on the bus started being si** everywhere, and he was sat behind me i manged to block the sound out, but it all got to much and had to get off the bus, i used my hand sanitzer loads as soon as i got off the bus but began to feel really nauseas i dont know if it was because of my anxiety or whatever but yeah. later on i seen my boyfriend/friend type of thing and we were kissing but before he left he told me he had a tummy bug on friday, its now wednesday surley i wont catch it? or surley its not contagious any more? im so worried im going to get it :( ah this is really not good right now!!:(

03-10-12, 22:19
If he had it on Friday he will not be contagious now, I hope this reassures you. I often feel the same, someone tells me they have a stomach bug and straight away I think oh no I will catch it! I work in a school and there are always bugs going around :(

03-10-12, 22:22
ah thankyou so much! made me feel loads better was really panicking then! its horrible having to feel like this:( being worried all the time!

03-10-12, 22:23
You won't catch it if it was Friday and how awful for you and that bloke on the bus. What are the chances?? x

03-10-12, 22:24
We usually tell people at school not to return until after 48 hours of being sick. It is not contagious after that. :)

04-10-12, 08:44
Hope you're feeling ok this morning, what an awful day for you xxx

07-11-12, 18:54
How inconsiderate of this bloke to get on a bus drunk & throw up everywhere! Why couldn`t he stay home & sleep it off!, or at least hold it in, it`s not that difficult to do because Iv`e done it many times.