View Full Version : Encouragement needed please :-)

03-10-12, 22:31
Hello Everyone.. I am having to up my dose of Lustral tonight to 50 mg. Seem to have had bigger panics since being on the 25 so putting off going to bed to put off taking the tablet x:blush:

03-10-12, 22:57
Putting off going to bed will only make you tired, so more likely to feel anxious. Off you go to bed, take that tablet & show that anxiety that you're not afraid of it! Sending you good sleep vibes :)

03-10-12, 23:09
Aww thank you Elle.. kind words :) x

04-10-12, 21:15
Listen to some good music before going to sleep.

04-10-12, 22:01
I like listening to music before going to sleep, and relaxation MP3s are helpful too. :)

04-10-12, 22:20
Thank you, Thank you... I always have the TV on all night.. can't seem to get to sleep without it.

Looking at my thread I meant to say I have been on 12.5mg and supposed to go up to 50.. fear took over and I took a 25mg.. will take that for a couple of nights and then up it to 50.


04-10-12, 22:47
I can't sleep without the TV or a talking book on either - haven't been able to for years! I've had to buy one of those plug timers to turn it off after I fall asleep as our electricity bill was creeping up, lol

04-10-12, 22:55
I used to do that as well when I was living alone.Sometimes,I slept with the tv on and the lamp on.Lol.Although people have told me it's not good for health because you don't get the rest you need,plus the light during nighttime affects your metabolism.

05-10-12, 15:53
The TV is really helpful. However, sometimes books seem to be better.