View Full Version : Hiya

04-10-12, 00:51
Hey everyone,

I came across this website while searching for methods of coping with depression and anxiety.

I come from a family where depression is acknowledged but not really regarded as something that has to be dealt with as you can probably and should just 'snap out of it'.

I don't even know if what I have is a problem. I get these intense feelings frequently of just helplessness and lack of a drive to do anything.

Today I received some bad news and as a result I have been crying on and off throughout the day, I have had days like this before where you feel like you just cannot stop crying. These sort of emotions are usually followed by vomiting and a sense of general unhappiness. I go to bed telling myself that tomorrow is another day but wake up feeling like there is not point in getting up.

I wonder if anyone here has also faced the same sort of indifference from family members in regards to depression. I fear that I will be ridiculed for asking to see a doctor about this and my parents will not consider it a serious problem. I just don't want to get to the point where I feel I am not even capable of getting up in the morning and taking a shower because I am so utterly disappointed in myself and my circumstances.

Thanks anyway guys :D it felt better venting lol

04-10-12, 01:02
Hi Delphium

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-10-12, 08:44
Hi and welcome :)

Don't worry, you are not alone! I often have days where I just sit and cry all day and also the horrible feelings of helplessness and general discomfort and unhappiness that you described.. These are all very normal symptoms of depression and a lot of us here know just how difficult it can be at times.

I live at home with my parents, and whilst my Mum is very understanding (a depression and anxiety sufferer herself), my Dad is not so much and often tells me to 'snap out of it' or 'pull yourself together', but I try not to let it bother me too much. It's just a lack of knowledge on it and people often can't understand unless they've experienced it themselves. After all, if it were that easy to snap out of, I wouldn't suffer so much - would love to be able to just snap out of it, but doesn't work that way, so don't feel bad or take much notice of those who think like that :) x