View Full Version : I need to sleep :(

04-10-12, 01:08
I have just had a minor panic attack but I can't sleep. I took 4 painkillers to try and stop it and make me drowsy but I dont think I am ever going to be able to sleep.

Can anybody help/ Any tips?

04-10-12, 01:16
What painkillers did you take ? Is it ok to take 4?

Generally painkillers won't help a panic attack.

You need to relax - lay on the bed and do some slow deep breathing

04-10-12, 01:19
I know they wont help with a panic attack but I just wanted them to knock me out to make me sleep which didnt work.

I have tried lying down and breathing but I cant lie still so have to get up :(

04-10-12, 01:32
painkillers won't knock you out though

distraction then - play games, watch tv - do something that occupies your thoughts

Play the mind games on here

04-10-12, 01:57
This was exactly me two days ago. Do you have a garden at all? I went for a walk around my garden for just under an hour then distracted myself by watching a movie and that seemed to do the trick.

04-10-12, 19:03
I have the same problem with sleeping. I wish I had some advise, but I just struggle to switch my mind off at bedtime.