View Full Version : Is it the Lustral (Sertraline) or just me?

04-10-12, 15:50
Have been in a panicky and high anxiety state since Sunday and found I have had to take a Diazepam every day to keep it at bay.. Two or three times have gone into full blown ones which frighten the life out of me.

I am used to medium panic attacks, have had them for years but I normally get some give inbetween.. this time it doesn't seem to be letting up.

I have been on Lustral 12.5 (tiny dose) for 5 weeks and although I should have put it up to 50, I put it up to 25 because of the side effects.

My main worry seems to be a fear that I am "going mad" so its with me all day and everywhere I go (which is not far from the house).

The reason I am asking is because I am pretty sure this fear is something new and wondering if it is the start up of the tablets.

I am also suffering badly from a fear of being on my own.. even for 5 minutes so have someone with me all the time.. this started beofre the tablets but came out of nowhere.. I am in proper sheer terror if I think someone will go out and not come back!

I am probably babbling now sorry.. but it is taking over my mind 24 hours a day. I am struggling to concentrate on anything like chores.conversations and even the TV.

thanks for listening xx

04-10-12, 16:11
I have started on 50mg, i would say that the dose you are on if far too low to really help any, i would put it up if the doc said you could or speak to him about putting it up. xxx

04-10-12, 16:17
I know.. He did tell me to put it up to 50 but my fear took over and I took 25. I do know it needs to go up but thought I would do the 25 for a few days first.

I am so scared that I am not going to get better x

04-10-12, 16:19
Start on the 50 then hun, i have been fine on 50 i promise you, you can do this, lets be honest here, whats the alternative right now, stay feeling stressed the way you are or take a wee chance and you just may feel better, i really do feel brighter after 4 days. You WILL get better! xxxx

04-10-12, 16:27
Hi MissHDynamite

I really do feel for you, I have been on 50mg Sert for just over 3 weeks then it was oncreased to 100mg nearly 4 weeks ago and had a bumpy ride with side effects and have the same feelings as yourself at times, mainly at start up with is for me the first 2 to 3 weeks.

I am not a GP or understand your cirumstances but that is a low dose, most people start on either 25 or 50mg. Your dose may not be enough to get over the panics. I understand that to have any effect 100mg is the minimum dose but don't quote me as I am not a medical professional.

I've had a bad few days with my 100mg increase - mainly as I took the wrong/lower dose last week so suffering the start up effects when I should be feeling better.

I have had very heightened anxiety, for me walking helps but if you are not comfortable going outdoors is there a doorway where you could stand to get some fresh air? I find this helps me feel less panicky. I usually like to have a bath to relax but when I am in high anxiety state this makes me worse.

If you are left alone, try to have a TV/radio on, I have one on at all times in the house and at night I have a machine designed to help babies to get off to sleep with a low calming noise, this helps me feel less panicky when I wake up.

My crisis team said no matter how hard it is during this period is to keep busy, when I was doing housework I was literally sobbing as I was in a state but as the weeks went on keeping busy came to be a life line.

Sorry cannot offer much more support but totally get how you are feeling.

Take care xx

---------- Post added at 16:27 ---------- Previous post was at 16:25 ----------

Start on the 50 then hun, i have been fine on 50 i promise you, you can do this, lets be honest here, whats the alternative right now, stay feeling stressed the way you are or take a wee chance and you just may feel better, i really do feel brighter after 4 days. You WILL get better! xxxx

That is the way I looked at starting the 50mg then increasing, I thought is it going to be any worse than I am now. It's not been easy but by being on the meds there is a hope that things will get better and to be honest if I look back 7 weeks ago I have very much improved :)

04-10-12, 16:32
I have to increase in 2 weeks time up to 100mg, think i will just half the 2nd tablet for the first week and then up to the full dose, i think softly softly lol xx

04-10-12, 16:34
I have to increase in 2 weeks time up to 100mg, think i will just half the 2nd tablet for the first week and then up to the full dose, i think softly softly lol xx

That is a good idea :)

I suffered side effects the first two weeks of 100mg increase then last week, week 3 managed to use the wrong packet (50mg not 100mg) for 5 days. My body started to feel weird but had no idea why, luckily my other half noticed on Saturday and I have gone back up to 100mg but had a bad week so far.

The packets are identical for 50mg and 100mg (apart from the black writing) and in my current state didn't look at the ones I was taking out of the cupboard :ohmy::blush:

Live and learn LOL xx

04-10-12, 17:05
Thanks guys.. I think I will have the 25 for one or two more nights then I will go to the 50.. this is so frustrating and upsetting.

I am upsetting everyone around me and can tell they are fed up (well, they have said) of having to live round me at the moment. I feel guilty one minute and then angry the next because if it was one of my loved ones I wouldn't say anything I would just be there to help...

Mind you, as my daughter has said many times.. thats why your in this state.. and she's right.

Glad your all beginning to feel the benefits and thanks again.. means a lot :flowers:

05-10-12, 09:53
I think the thing to keep in mind is that every time you increase the dose it's going to take a few weeks to level out, so if you are doing it really really slowly yeh the side effects may be less but your overall recovery will also take a lot longer. You have to do what you feel you can cope best with. Xxx