View Full Version : finally going to open up about this

04-10-12, 16:18
i need some advice about my mum it all started last year but seems like longer to me the way she going on she was starting to say people are following her now she is getting worse saying she sees helicopters and saying there after the whole family my mum was put in to hospital in the new year and let out end of jan but she still the same infact she getting worse its putting the hole family down i dont know what to do its making my depression and anxiety worse and she was told she has the early signs of dementia shes starting to forget things the hospital gave her tablets whitch she is not taken and she dont keep in contact with her social worker she says she dont need help there is nothing wrong with her she had a letter off them and she ripped it up its upsetting shes not the same as she use to be can anybody give me some advice of what to do all this is doing my head in cos of it all now i feel like i.m losing myself and i.m getting worse cos of it all any advice please as i dont know what to do anymore its very upsetting that my mum is losing it and she wont get help what can i do :weep:

04-10-12, 17:10
So sorry to hear about you Mum, it must be really hard for you to see her like this. I think you should speak to your Mum's doctor and tell him your concerns and see if he can advise you. :hugs:

04-10-12, 19:40
Sorry to hear this Gem, i agree with Annie, talk to her doctor about your concerns they are the person in the best possible to advise what can be done and offer you some reassurance too. :hugs:

05-10-12, 15:49
my mum sees diffrant doctors there is not a one she likes thats she sees and i find it hard to leave the house i cant even see my own doctor all this is getting the family down i feel like just ending it all just to make it stop for me as i feel like i cant take no more my mum other day when she was out with my brother in a pub she lost her rag and throwed the menu just wish my mum would just get help and it dragging me down and making my anxiety worse when she says people are following me too i said its all in your head she says if she ends up back in hospital she wants us to sue them anyone got anymore ideas of what to do :frown:

05-10-12, 16:11
I would speak to your own doctor and see if he can advise you :hugs:

Daniel Copp
05-10-12, 16:32
I agree, see your doctor and see what they advise you on what to do.

It sounds like a difficult situation, do not feel afraid of doing whatever needs to be done. You need to resolve this for yourself and your mum.

I hope this has helped. :hugs:

06-10-12, 16:48
it is a difficult situation i.m a little scared to talk to the doctor about my mum as they might take her away again and she dont want to go back in to the mental part in the hospital last time she was in there she was having things took from her and someone who was in there with my mum this woman slapped her and pinched my mum when my mum called me when she was in there was very worried she was telling me to get her out and sue them cos she dont belong in here there nothing wrong with her i dont want to do the wrong thing againts my mums wishes then also if my mum found out i talked to the doctor she take it out on me and shout and i dont need that the way i am i just wish i could wave a magic wand and she be all better :frown:

fozzy is crying
06-10-12, 16:58
Can I suggest you might try contacting your local branch of MIND for some confidential advice.



07-10-12, 15:01
thanks for suggesting that fozzy as i need all the help and ideas i can get for the best way of helping my mum