View Full Version : So tired but coping

04-10-12, 18:53
Some of you who know me will know that I have suffered severe recurrent depression in the past. I have a good support network. My boss is on holiday in Spain for two weeks so I'm thrown into a situation where I'm hourly paid to making management decisions, ordering, motivating other members of staff. It seems to be working but I'm just not cut out to be full time or nearly full time any more. This is a moan and a rant but I am coping. It is difficult to relax and when I get tired I get a little hyper. It is keeping all my emotions within the 'normal' spectrum and not slipping into mental illness. I'm not depressed but I could quite easily be. I'm a control freak so anything that starts to go wrong I want to control it. I have a colleague who has a problem with drink. His attendance was dreadful before my boss went away. Apart from being 20 minutes late on Monday he has been in although stinking of drink. I know many of you will wonder why I put up with it. I nearly left in the Summer had applied for another job and then told the boss and ripped up the application form. It might be hard to understand our work situation as we are a small specialist shop. When boss is back because I have known him for 30 odd years I can almost read his mind. We are like a family. Sorry to go on like this but I needed to rant. I just need to hold out for another week or so. EJ

04-10-12, 19:46
Sending you hugs Elizabeth Jane, I think you need them right now :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

04-10-12, 19:50
Thank you I don't think my problems can be solved but finding things v hard at the moment. EJ

05-10-12, 15:55
Sometimes depression can be worse than anxietyy.

06-10-12, 16:40
Sending you hugs EJ:hugs::hugs:

Bless you...must be really tough for you but totally understand your commitment and sometimes its better the devil you know etc.

Only a week to go then your boss can deal with the necessaries as its not down to you.

Hang on in there and it will get better.:)


06-10-12, 17:06
Sounds very stressful for you EJ :hugs: Feeling you need keep all your emotions within a particular spectrum can get very tiring also. I can get hyper and wired if I get overtired too.
Do you have anyone to talk to about it? It's just it might help release some of the pressure and stop it from building up.

A very good thing for people who feel the need to control things (and we all do to an extent) is some mindfulness. The exercise of observing and not judging can free up a lot of anxiety.

Anyway you can always come on here and rant to your heart's content as a safety valve until your boss comes back. Take care of yourself.

Belle xx

06-10-12, 19:41
thinking of you and sending you some hugs.


06-10-12, 20:41
Thanks guys I have had the day off but working the next six excluding Sunday. At least I can see an end to it and off for half term. One of my colleagues rings me at home on the land line so I've stopped answering the land line. It is stuff that can wait to another day. I feel a bit better today and have had a rest on the bed this afternoon. I have a session of hypnosis lined up so I can off load some of the weird stuff then. Thanks for listening it is very much appreciated. EJ x

06-10-12, 21:20
With the alcoholic, chances are he's had a problem for years but managed to come to work sober.
It's illegal and dangerous for him to work while drunk.
I would suggest give him the option to go to a rehab, for a few weeks and then return to his job.
But with addicts chances are they may never over come their addiction.
Sorry work is soo stressful : (
Good for you don't pick up the phone :p
It's not fair to call you on your day off!

06-10-12, 21:46
With the alcoholic, chances are he's had a problem for years but managed to come to work sober.
It's illegal and dangerous for him to work while drunk.
I would suggest give him the option to go to a rehab, for a few weeks and then return to his job.
But with addicts chances are they may never over come their addiction.
Sorry work is soo stressful : (
Good for you don't pick up the phone :p
It's not fair to call you on your day off!

Thanks for the input but it isn't as easy as this. Boss gives X many many second chances. I don't really understand it but have to accept. Boss says to trust him but I won't. He is is seventy two and has had a major bereavement last year. It is really difficult because of the nature of the business very specialist. All the other members of staff are over retirement age. There are only four of us including the boss. I'm the baby of the group plus the Saturday girl. EJ