View Full Version : Let's See What We Can Achieve Together...

04-10-12, 20:20
After seeing a thread from a fellow sufferer on what she had achieved today.. I thought it would be a good idea to make a new thread to encourage each other on doing those tiny steps to get better :)

So, here is the deal.. no matter how big or small your personal challange is.. write it down on the thread and we will support each other through it.. no pressure so doesn't matter if we don't manage it on that day.

It can be absolutely anything no matter how silly it might sound.. could be anything from cleaning cupboards to get motivated, doing things in a different way or without a cetain safety net or going out to a small or large shop.. anything at all which you keep putting off!

I will start (so many to choose from lol)

Tomorrow I shall clean out and organise my cereal and pan cupboards.. Have been putting it off for months.

Keep them coming :hugs:x

04-10-12, 22:54
Good idea for a thread - let's see how many steps up the ladder we can tick off with each other's help :)

My goal tomorrow is to visit the library to return a book and look for another, and go to the shop for an extra pint of milk.

04-10-12, 22:58
My goal for tomorrow is to walk further than I walked today. I will also do some ironing standing up (for those of you who don't know I am recovering from a foot fracture)

04-10-12, 22:59
My goal for tomorrow is:go to the center of town and give some blood for a blood test.(I think I'll take my mom with me).It's a huge step going alone,and that frightens me.Next goal,go to myplace alone with my car (I'm living with parents atm) and pack my bf's remaining items in some boxes.I've already done half of them.

04-10-12, 23:42
Brilliant! Good luck everyone.. Hugs xx

05-10-12, 00:07
I am going to wake up and not dwell on sensations..I am going to have breakfast down my sisters and hopefully...Meet my new fancy man. Now this is daunting for me in non anxious times...So it will be the biggest challenge yet. Ooh I have butterflies just typing it lol...maybe that's a good thing!! Good luck everyone!!! Tomorrow (or today) is going to be a great one!!! xx:hugs:

So excited about this new thread!! xx

05-10-12, 00:51
Oooo Lu.. Sounds exciting.. Enjoy :) x

05-10-12, 13:34
My goal tomorrow is to visit the library to return a book and look for another, and go to the shop for an extra pint of milk.

Mission accomplished! I decided to walk as it's not a cold day here, and felt anxious on the way there but kept reminding myself I was safe, then once I had dropped the book off I felt ok enough to get my milk, pop into the DIY shop and even stop at a cafe on my walk home for a hot chocolate! :D

05-10-12, 13:43
I managed to walk further but it was a bit scary and I felt like I was 'in another place' trying to concentrate on my surroundings but not really part of it...but at least I managed the walk so that is a positive. Haven't done the ironing as there wasn't as much in the basket as I thought so decided to try to vacuum instead and have done all downstairs. Don't think I should attempt carrying my Dyson upstairs!

Well done Elle-Kay especially on going to the cafe, not sure I could do that on my own. :)

05-10-12, 14:38
Well done you two :) Massive achievements!

I am struggling today with my anxiety. you know that body is here but heads not feeling.. but I have tidiied round, done some washing and done my cereal cupboard.. might have a go at the pan cupboard later.

Well done again.. looking forward to hearing how the others have got on.. and what we are doing tomorrow :ohmy: x

05-10-12, 14:40
Tomorrow...My husband is getting a new car so I will go with him to the garage to see it and will walk a little bit further than I did today :D

05-10-12, 14:55
Today I went to the co op all by myself, this sounds like no big deal, but omg I can't believe I did it! Xx

05-10-12, 15:53
I went for the blood test as well with my mother by cab.Afterwards I told her to walk a bit through the city,we walked through Athens for about 40-50 mins.I also visited my cousin who works at the central H&M, and some other grand stores. I had the idea of taking the tube on our way back. So we went in, boarded on the last wagon as I wanted not to be in the middle. There were no sits available so I was standing up. I was petrified did not feel like fainting but I was scared to hell of having a pa in there even with my mother along.I was sweating like a pig and I tried to breathe slowly and calm but the fear did not went away. 10 stops seemed like a century to me.Something before the panic attacks did not even mind me.We took the bus as well on our way back.That's my second time inside,first one was with my mother again a week ago.I felt more calm and more easy to breathe.Maybe because we were returning home.Who knows.I also hadn't eat something all day long due to the blood tests.When we got back,I think I got myself a nap for half an hour,but woke up very dissapointed and dissatisfied by me.I don't think I will be ever free again. I miss my old me where all things were so simple and without fear. Maybe I am pushing too hard my road to recovery.
I don't think I 'll go and pick up my bf's stuff.I don't want to get emotionally more sick today as tomorrow morning I have a scan to do that I have to stay immobilised for about 55 mins while doing it and that makes me anxious very much.
So,in overall I feel awfull,I don't think I'll recover ever and that makes me more depressed.So long...my happy free life :doh: I'm so sad...

05-10-12, 16:03
Annie, well done for today and good luck for tomorrow :)

Laura, that is a BIG deal so well done :) (Yesterday, my dad drove me round to the co-op.. there was a big queue and one on the tills, so I came out to the car.. I went back in though and that was a big deal for me)

Penny.. Don't be sad.. you did brilliant today! I know its hard when we try something and we get in a panic.. it just reminds us of our problem but you did it! so well done :)

05-10-12, 16:09
Penny I think you did well today, you seem to have done such a lot and the fact that you had not eaten anything would have increased anxiety so be proud of yourself for what you achieved :hugs:

05-10-12, 16:26
Well done everyone. MissHDynamite - I'm struggling with anxiety too today but have done some work, eaten heathily and got up and dressed to distract myself. This weekend I'm going to a) try to enjoy spending some time alone b) continue not to binge eat or binge drink and c) do some work so I can stop feeling anxious about money!

Think this thread is a really good idea. I know it sounds dramatic but sometimes I forget that just getting out of bed and making it through the day without crying is an achievement!


---------- Post added at 16:26 ---------- Previous post was at 16:24 ----------

I went for the blood test as well with my mother by cab.Afterwards I told her to walk a bit through the city,we walked through Athens for about 40-50 mins.I also visited my cousin who works at the central H&M, and some other grand stores. I had the idea of taking the tube on our way back. So we went in, boarded on the last wagon as I wanted not to be in the middle. There were no sits available so I was standing up. I was petrified did not feel like fainting but I was scared to hell of having a pa in there even with my mother along.I was sweating like a pig and I tried to breathe slowly and calm but the fear did not went away. 10 stops seemed like a century to me.Something before the panic attacks did not even mind me.We took the bus as well on our way back.That's my second time inside,first one was with my mother again a week ago.I felt more calm and more easy to breathe.Maybe because we were returning home.Who knows.I also hadn't eat something all day long due to the blood tests.When we got back,I think I got myself a nap for half an hour,but woke up very dissapointed and dissatisfied by me.I don't think I will be ever free again. I miss my old me where all things were so simple and without fear. Maybe I am pushing too hard my road to recovery.
I don't think I 'll go and pick up my bf's stuff.I don't want to get emotionally more sick today as tomorrow morning I have a scan to do that I have to stay immobilised for about 55 mins while doing it and that makes me anxious very much.
So,in overall I feel awfull,I don't think I'll recover ever and that makes me more depressed.So long...my happy free life :doh: I'm so sad...

Wow, sounds like you're dealing with a lot right now. Try not to be so hard on yourself. It might not seem like you're doing anything to celebrate but you are. Things will get better! I know how you feel. I miss my old free self too. We're growing and experiencing all the time and that makes us stronger people. Cheesy but true ;-)

Sending you all the best x

05-10-12, 16:37
Hi Panicky.. Well done on keeping motivated today. This anxiety lark is soooo hard to get to grips with and yes, somedays just getting through the day is an achievement!.. thats why there is no pressure with this thread, just encouragement.

Good luck with your weekend plans.. I too have spending time on my own and trying to sort money out on the agenda but not sure what day yet.

Keep checking in.. and best of luck to all xx

05-10-12, 17:15
Good afternoon everyone!!

I woke up and did some spool knitting to distract me from mistaking that waking up feeling with DP..I got dressed and headed to my sisters..We decided to pick our niece up from our other sister and she lives in the nearest city (Newport) so I drove us there..this was a surprise because we normally meet our sister at a service station between where we live but due to her being busy with the in-laws we had to go and get the little one...I knew this would involve parking up and going in..Now I love spending time at my sister's home...but last time I visited I had one of the worst panic attacks of my life so have had that edgy feeling about going there since...which is ridiculous to anyone anxiety free but you all understand how that feeling goes. I did feel ok once I had arrived and was admiring her new curtains and dining table etc so was quite pleasant...plus she was in a rush so we weren't staying long anyway which took some pressure off. We then returned and had hotdogs and watched some Disney films etc and I felt SO tired at one point..around 1ish and started to feel slightly anxious that I felt that way despite having only been awake for about 5 hours. I fought the anxiety and resisted the urge to go home to bed and stayed the whole day. I even popped to the local charity shop to get some wool too! I have definitely felt alot more "with it" today and alot less anxious!!

I am now home and in two minds about "the date"....I feel like I may be getting a cold and have been sneezing alot today...I don't want to make excuses but I just don't know what to do!!

I got so carried away with rambling that I forgot to say a massive WELL DONE to everyone today. Everyone has achieved what they set out to do (and more) What an excellent thread!! xx

05-10-12, 17:31
Is the date tonight? Xx

05-10-12, 17:51
Yes...We are quite casual so it can be today..tomo etc. He wants to come to me...I feel fine right now but I am going to make myself feel awful and get worked up. Any tips!! xx

05-10-12, 23:24
Well done everyone on today - it sounds like we've all achieved something, which is great! :D

I'm not planning anything special tomorrow - just the usual grocery shopping, laundry etc + trying to get to grips with my knitting lol - but on Sunday there is a craft fair which a friend of mine has a stall at, so I think I might go along there for a browse, which will be my goal for Sunday :)

05-10-12, 23:34
I achieved a lot today. I managed to conquer my fears and went for medical tests to stop my health anxiety. I got bloods taken to rule out any life threatening illness. I'm not dwelling today and I am happy to go back next week for the results. I was offered Diazepam, but I decided to stick to my Bach rescue spray to get me through the bad times. I have had a few panic attacks today, but I am banishing them now and looking forward to a good night's sleep.

06-10-12, 13:48
Today, I drive out of my village to asda, it's 15 miles away, I was panicking and wanted up turn round, I felt sick, shaky, but I kept going, had the kids with me, bought them a toy each and drive home, phew, that was absolutely terrifying, but omg I only went and done it!!! :) feels good xxx

06-10-12, 13:51
I walked a bit further today. My husband is home so he went with me and today was better than yesterday as I felt I was still on planet earth and not some far away planet! lol...I don't know how else to explain it but I am sure you know what I mean :D

06-10-12, 14:28
Well done again Laura and Annie :)

I am not venturing out today but done the house and fresh beddings etc and am going to do a budget/accounts book as money is tight at the mo with not working.. I think just to feel tidy and organised helps to clear your mind... actually I might have a drive out tonight when its not too busy on the roads.. will let you all know.

Keep up the good work xx

06-10-12, 19:16
My goal for tomorrow is to try and have something to eat in the morning and go to the paper shop to buy a newspaper, due to my lack of appetite I haven't been going out much on my own!

06-10-12, 19:18
I managed to buy wool from the local market and have made the effort to go out for a few drives depsite feeling complete despair and panic for the majority of the day. I feel that enduring the horrendous day has been an achievement in itself! Well done everyone who did some amazing things today!! xx

06-10-12, 19:56
Musiclover.. I am simillar in a morning. Usually have to make myself have a slice of toast. Good luck for the morning :)

Loopy.. you've done great the last couple of days! Have a little chill tomorrow :)

I did get my house, bedding done etc.. had a short walk to the end of the road, stayed on my own for about 15 minutes.. sounds silly when you write it down but an achievement for me :)

Have a great Sunday! xx

06-10-12, 20:01
Sunday...I have an opticians appointment at 11 am. I made it for Sunday as the town I go to doesn't have many shops open on a Sunday so it is not very busy. Not looking forward to it though because I hate that thing were they blow air in your eye! I always blink and have to have it done more than once...it really scares me as it gives me a shock...what a softy I am!

07-10-12, 12:31
Well today I achieved a goal I've been aiming for since my anxiety came back with a vengeance a couple of months ago. There is a canal about 5/10 mins walk from my house that I used to take my dog to every day and haven't been able to manage it in about 6 weeks. Today I managed to make it all the way there and made myself sit there for a while too. The anxiety was there the whole time but I tried to ignore it. Felt great for doing it but now I've got home the anxiety has taken hold. I feel completely drained, dizzy and really scared :-(
Really annoyed that its just overshadowed what I've accomplished now and just trying to not let it turn into a massive panic attack

Jenni xx

07-10-12, 12:55
Jenni well done for getting to the canal. I think most of us are feeling drained after we have achieved something, I went to the opticians this morning and called at the supermarket on the way back for teacakes and I feel the same so drained and scared and need to lie down for a bit but I am sure the more we can do these things the less drained we will feel after. Be proud of what you have achieved today, it was a big step for you. :hugs:

07-10-12, 13:37
Thanks Annie and well done to you too! I've come for a lay down as I don't feel like I can do anything else. I have a weird tingly sensation all over the left side of my head which is playing on my mind right now. I'm sure you're right, anxiety can be very draining and when you really push yourself I guess it takes that much more energy xx

07-10-12, 13:55
Well done everyone on today - it sounds like we've all achieved something, which is great! :D

I'm not planning anything special tomorrow - just the usual grocery shopping, laundry etc + trying to get to grips with my knitting lol - but on Sunday there is a craft fair which a friend of mine has a stall at, so I think I might go along there for a browse, which will be my goal for Sunday :)

I didn't have a very good evening yesterday - after dinner I felt very anxious, and was worried about going out to the craft fair today, but I went anyway as I had told my Mum that we would, and it was for charity. I did manage to enjoy it and buy a few small bits for Christmas stocking fillers. I felt anxious, but not panicky, and even had periods of several minutes at a time where I was so engrossed in what I was looking at that I even forgot to feel the anxiety for a few minutes :yesyes: I'm so pleased I went. Just need to keep my fingers crossed that I win the prize draw now! :D

---------- Post added at 13:55 ---------- Previous post was at 13:53 ----------

Well done GunMetal for your walk (don't worry about feeling anxious afterwards - it is normal, and because your body suddenly 'comes down' after an achievement I think), and Annie for your trip out this morning:yesyes:

07-10-12, 16:17
Had a pretty good afternoon. Had to go back to bed for a bit after my walk as was just completely drained. Forced myself to get up and do some stuff and have been out to the driving range to hit some golf balls. Really enjoyed myself and feeling positive now.
Elle that's great about the craft fair, that sounds like something i would love and you have done brilliantly as i'm sure it was busy too!

Hope you're all having a good afternoon
Jenni xx

08-10-12, 22:27
I didn't have any specific goals for today, but decided when I got up that I should go somewhere - anywhere - for some fresh air as I had woken up with a headache that was threatening to become a migraine if I let it, so I ended up getting on my bike and going for a 3 mile ride, out of the town where I live, into the suburbs of the city, and back home again. My legs were tired before I got to the top of my street :lol:, and I was breathing fast/hard up the inclines and had seriously wobbly jelly legs by the time I got home, but I didn't panic or feel anxious about being out without my car (so without an immediate means of getting home) :)

Tomorrow I've set myself an important goal though. This time last year I joined a modern jive dance club, and straight away I loved it, but I haven't been back in about the last two months because I started to feel too anxious/tired to go. I was going to go last Tuesday but wimped out, but have decided that I'll have another go tomorrow evening. I'll probably have forgotten everything I'd learned, but over the past week I've started to enjoy listening to music again, and my feet want to move to the beat, so I'm hoping tomorrow will be the night!

08-10-12, 22:39
Well done Elle-Kay...the jive dance club sounds fun :)
I went to my counselling session this morning and to my parents for lunch and I have felt really good tonight even though I have been on my own.
Tomorrow the builders arrive to do my new drive so a bit worried about that. 2 of my friends are visiting tomorrow and they have both suffered anxiety themselves so understand and I am looking forward to their visit. :)

18-10-12, 20:17
Any updates? mind you I can't talk.. on the first post I put down for cleaning my pan cupboard out..haven't done it yet :doh: x

18-10-12, 20:23
i really need to force myself to get dressed as i am agraphobic and never get dressed as i never can see the pont i never put on makeup or do my hair seem to ave a it an all time low and cant see a way forward been this way for so long please help any thing would be good take care all trish x

18-10-12, 20:25
Any updates? mind you I can't talk.. on the first post I put down for cleaning my pan cupboard out..haven't done it yet :doh: x

I planned yesterday to go into town for an hour (big deal as I felt awful the last 2/3 times I went in the summer, so started to avoid going altogether), and achieved that goal today :)

18-10-12, 20:37
Oh yeah Elle.. did you but those new jumpers and did you spend those gift cards on a treat for yourself? And Well done :D

And trish.. I get where your coming from. I am pretty much in the house and have to force myself to get dressed somedays. I don't bother with make up now and my hair is always up in a bobble. So........ How about your challange for tomorrow is to get dressed. Doesn't have to be make up and hair... I know it sounds silly when its written down but a lot of us also know that sometiimes just doing that is a big deal.. what you think? :winks:

18-10-12, 21:47
Oh yeah Elle.. did you but those new jumpers and did you spend those gift cards on a treat for yourself? And Well done :D

And trish.. I get where your coming from. I am pretty much in the house and have to force myself to get dressed somedays. I don't bother with make up now and my hair is always up in a bobble. So........ How about your challange for tomorrow is to get dressed. Doesn't have to be make up and hair... I know it sounds silly when its written down but a lot of us also know that sometiimes just doing that is a big deal.. what you think? :winks:your so right its like i dont care about myself at all but i will let you no how the dressing goes thanks x

18-10-12, 21:57
Your welcome.. give it a go and let me know how you get on. Before you go to bed tonight get them out so no stress on what to wear, just a tracksuit or something comfy and if you put them on.. great, if not, no big deal. No pressure :hugs:x

18-10-12, 22:13
Oh yeah Elle.. did you but those new jumpers and did you spend those gift cards on a treat for yourself? And Well done :D

I got two new jumpers, two long sleeved t-shirts, had a nice long browse in the book shop & bought some posh moisturiser in Boots with one of the gift cards :D

18-10-12, 23:37
That's brilliant Elle... great news... well done you :D x

19-10-12, 23:07
well all i did get dressed felt pretty good about it as well we see what tpmprrow brings take care all xx

19-10-12, 23:11
Well done Trish, that's a great step forward! :)

19-10-12, 23:23
Well done Trish.. Keep up the good work :D x

21-10-12, 00:27
didnt make getting dressed today aye but as you say tomorrow is another day we will see how it goes take care all xx

22-10-12, 13:35
had such a bad day sunday i was in a panic all morning and not sleeping i feel to wore out to even look for something to wear try again tomorrow how is every one else doing all good i hope take care trish

25-10-12, 03:00
Such a great idea! I'm always so encouraged by other people's successes. We're on different time zones, but tomorrow (or today for you), I'm going to finally email my adviser at my university about those pesky 3 credits I have left. (I've been too scared for the past four months).

So proud of everyone walking everywhere! I need to start doing that again, as well...

25-10-12, 23:31
I'm going to attempt to go to a short (30min) lecture on a medieval manuscript at the museum tomorrow (Friday) - fingers crossed :)