View Full Version : Hi everyone, im new!

04-10-12, 20:45
Hi everyone,
im new to all this so dont really know what to expect, im 38 a single mum to a 2 year old whos already going on like shes 16! Ive suffered with depression on and off from about the age of 17, when i left home. over the last 4-5 weeks i have hit a real low, worse than i have ever been before, nothing major has happened so its hard to say whats triggered it. I split up from my partner last year and although it was not my choice i dealt with this reasonably well for the sake of my daughter, ive been having counselling too which helps alot, but also its dug deep inside me and stirred alot of things up for me. So it feels as if a combination of the counselling and the break up has just come to boiling point and its finally boiled over, and ive gone to bits. Things that i thought id dealt with and hidden away have reared their ugly head. I have had trouble sleeping and when i finally do get to sleep im always waking up. I do suffer with panic attacks and some anxiety too. My counsellor told me about this site and thought it could offer me some support in between sessions. even writing all this out feels quite scary, but i do want to get well again and hopefully with the support of others we can all get through our problems together!

fozzy is crying
04-10-12, 20:46

04-10-12, 20:49
Welcome...lots of great people here to help.

Daniel Copp
04-10-12, 20:52
:welcome: You've come to the right place, the people here are amazing. :yesyes:

04-10-12, 20:57
Hi tracyskl

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.