View Full Version : Confused and Upset

04-10-12, 23:54
Hi,I'm wondering if anyone can help.

I have a long history of an eating disorder and depression and anxiety. AFfter starting a very stressful job a year ago my eating deteriorated and the GP put me on Fluoxetine.This seemed to work for a month or so but last week I cracked and went out and got drunk and trashed my flat.Im not at all a violent person but I pulled all the clothes out the drawers and was wild. My wife was very upset and phoned my family who picked me up walking around my local town at 2am drunk.

I saw the GP on Monday and broke down crying ,I literally have had enough of my job,worrying about what I'm eating and miserable life. The GP gave me Valium as I'm suffering panic attacks and shaking but I need more help I think. I am having terrible urges to take a flight somewhere and get drunk and spend lots of money.I feel like I'm living in a strange dream world and nothing feels real. I'm taking panic attacks about going back to work and feel horribly guilty about taking time off. Tonight I ran out of my flat and felt angry and Euphoric and wanted to go and party all night and get drunk.

I don't know what to do,I feel like my head is going to explode with all the thoughts but at the same time I feel guilty as I should pull myself together. I would like to see a psychiatrist as I think that maybe the Fluoxetine is causing this,I'm not the same person I was 3months ago indeed I feel I have a different personality now. I also wonder if I could be Bi Polar as I have ran away before in the past and these feelings I have just now are very similar to before. The only thing that is stopping me from self destructing completely just now is my wife but she goes back to work on Monday and I fear what I will do then.

Anyway,sorry for such a long post, I just feel I need support as I don't know what mental illness I have or what medication I should be on.I feel I'm getting little or no support or help or diagnosis from the NHS.

fozzy is crying
04-10-12, 23:59
Gosh I am so sorry to read your story. What can I do to help you?

05-10-12, 00:03
Sorry to hear you are going through such a bad time. I think maybe you should go and see your doctor again and explain to him what is happening. Are you in a practise where ther is more than one doctor? One maybe more understanding than another :hugs:

05-10-12, 00:10
Sorry to hear you are going through such a bad time. I think maybe you should go and see your doctor again and explain to him what is happening. Are you in a practise where ther is more than one doctor? One maybe more understanding than another :hugs:

Thanks for the support. Tonight was horrible again, I just wanted to walk and walk and walk and go and get drunk and stay up all night crazy as until 2months ago I was virtually tee total!.My wife was running after me pleading with me to come back. My mood swings are unbearable to me,never mind her. I can't believe what I'm putting her through. The GP sent me for an emergency appointment with the mental health team on Tuesday. tithe psyc nurse I saw only said they would discuss it with the team and write back to my GP.This doesn't help much as I feel like I'm going crazy just now. I think I will try and get another appt with my GP,she is actually very understanding and helpful. Im almost certain the Fluoxetine isn't helping.

Anyway, thanks for listening as I just need to vent.

05-10-12, 00:19
Hi, it could be reaction to meds, but sounds bi-polar too. Definitely see your gp tomoro if you can.

05-10-12, 00:27
Hi, it could be reaction to meds, but sounds bi-polar too. Definitely see your gp tomoro if you can.

I think I will. It would be nice to get a definite diagnosis as then I feel I could be treated correctly and understand why I'm doing what I'm doing. I have seen a Psychiatrist in the past and the only thing she said was that 'I have a slightly manic reaction to depression' but I've never properly treated for or diagnosed with BiPolar.I feel I have been completely let down by the NHS in general.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

05-10-12, 00:30
Let us know how you get on at docs.x

fozzy is crying
05-10-12, 00:30
Hi again,

I have been reading and re-reading a lot your opening post. One thing I must suggest to you is not got go out when you are in such a stare and certainly not to get drunk. OK your family cmae to your rescue last tiem but if the police get involved and you are like that away from home you ruin a very big risk of being sectioned.

I cannot cope and drink all the time and the police have told me as long as I am in my own home they can do nothing. But if I even set foot outside even on my own property that is a different matter.

If I can do anything. I mean anything to help contact me.


05-10-12, 00:35
Hi again,

I have been reading and re-reading a lot your opening post. One thing I must suggest to you is not got go out when you are in such a stare and certainly not to get drunk. OK your family cmae to your rescue last tiem but if the police get involved and you are like that away from home you ruin a very big risk of being sectioned.

I cannot cope and drink all the time and the police have told me as long as I am in my own home they can do nothing. But if I even set foot outside even on my own property that is a different matter.

If I can do anything. I mean anything to help contact me.


Thanks Gordon,

I know I shouldn't get in or have got in such a drunk state.It felt like a total build up of stress,pressure and depression and it was my only way out. Really horrible, as my normal self is very placid and caring, not this reckless 'crazy' person I seem to be at the moment.

05-10-12, 00:36
Hi, I'm new and a little inexperienced but if I may,

I would definitively agree with you about the fluexotine. My parents are both in medicine. My own step father described me fluexotine as well for anxiety and I can tell you I did NOT like it's effects one bit. After looking up the drug I was 100% it was the drug making me feel so strange. I rang my mother who instantly told me to ditch the stuff as it is controversial and doesn't always work the way it should.

Do yourself a favor and look up the side effects. I think you'll find it matches a lot of what your describing. Then do what above recommended and get in to see your GP and express your concerns. If he thinks it could be the drug at ALL he'll take you off it and you'll probably soon feel better. That's not to say there isn't underlying things you may still want to talk to someone about. But I am not a fan of this drug. It may be as simple as talking it out with someone who will listen, and a change in lifestyle choices. I hope things will get better for you soon.


fozzy is crying
05-10-12, 00:42
Thanks Gordon,

I know I shouldn't get in or have got in such a drunk state.It felt like a total build up of stress,pressure and depression and it was my only way out. Really horrible, as my normal self is very placid and caring, not this reckless 'crazy' person I seem to be at the moment.

Stop it you are not a "crazy person" you are a normal caring person in pain and lost. We are all here for you as we all feel the same pains. Besides there is only one crazy person in this universe and it is ME. Lol


09-10-12, 13:03
Sorry to be selfish and post on here again but I thought I'd ask for some advice again. For the past 4 days I've stayed in bed and binge ate and generally got worse, not hyper but depressed with bad mood swings and anger with myself. I saw the GP this morning and his answer is to double my dose of Fluoxetine. I tried explaining that I didn't think it was helping but he said my dose wasn't high enough and he was going to triple it from 20 to 60mg. Cant quite believe it. I'm only signed off work until Mon (have been signed off since last mon) and I've been waking up having panic attacks about going back and taking the diazepam I've been prescribed. I've to go back to GP on Mon to see how I am but I'm terrified he doesn't sign me off again and I'm certain im not going back to the place that caused all this in the first place I'm at the point I don't care if I get sacked and end up homeless. I feel I'm getting absolutely nowhere with the NHS and noone is really listening . I feel so so so guilty when going to the doctor and asking for help, it rips me up inside.