View Full Version : Scared - can't relax - please help??

05-10-12, 00:20
Hi, I'm Michael and I'm 22. I have had various minor health problems all my life (poor circulation, high BP, pectus excavatum, most serious of which is glaucoma) but only recently have I decided I have HA. Both of my parents are in the medical field, my dad is a doctor, and I have been pestering him for help. I posted one thread already but it may have been too long for people cause its been a week and there haven't been any responses. I'll reiterate the short version:

Basically I got a bacterial infection and a virus (at least that was my dad's consensus) but for whatever reason, with it came intense anxiety. I had a lot of symptoms but after a CT scan, three blood tests, and a two week course of antibiotics, most of them have gone. The blood tests show nothing other than a mild infection (so the doc told me). Whatever that means. I was told not to worry, and yes most of the symptoms have gotten better. I should be all but cured now but am left with a couple frightening symptoms I can't explain that are starting to get to me and won't go away. I'm going to a neurologist in a couple weeks and at first I was pleased as I thought it would Put an end to this but now my mind is going crazy and I keep envisioning a doctor tellin me I am going to die. A terrifying thought I can't escape.

My symptoms are in order from most worrying to least:

Head pain that is new to me and worsening through out the day. They came on after the blood tests and ct scan so I'm scared they just missed it or all the worrying actually caused a second thing. I went surfing yesterday and was able to ignore it a bit but the second I got out the water it came right back. It seems to be worse when I'm driving or concentrating and the pain can be anywhere from slight pressure to a driving shooting stabbing. It jumps around on my scalp but seems to concentrate on my temples and eyebrow forehead region.

Extreme tiredness especially at the end of the day. Short car rides put me to sleep and I struggle to stay awake even when in driver's seat. I can manage through the day just feeling stiff and out of it and not overly energetic, but in the evening onwards I feel so tired my heart actually feels like its working overtime to keep me awake. I feel like I'm going to pass out if I don't go to sleep soon and even if I sit on the couch to watch a movie, something I do all the time normally, I can't even stay awake through it and I feel pulsating throbs in my brain and like I mentioned the heart thing. I lay down, breathing heavily like I just ran a marathon and sleep heavily. In the morning I still feel tired like I could stay in bed for ages but do feel considerably better once I get up and move around.

I also feel shakiness in my hands that comes and goes wether I am worrying or not, and my appetite seems to come and go randomly.

It scares the hell out of me no matter how much my doctor/dad and practitioner/mum tell me it's all in my head. I just can't shake the feeling the neuro is goin to give me grave terrifying news. My greatest fear is dying slowly of some disease and knowing its coming.

I try to tell myself if t was really really bad the ct and blood work would have picked it up and how much better I am now than I was a week ago and how when I relax and get out and take my mind off it I do feel better, but in the evening it always comes back and is always at its worse. I've always had a history with headaches but these sharp pains are new and as a self diagnosed new sufferer of HA I just can't relax. Any help would be greatly greatly appreciated.

---------- Post added at 09:20 ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 ----------

I should also mention as I feel it could be related somehow: I have had issues with my eyes for months bordering on years. I wear contacts and glasses but when this all came about a month ago, I noticed my eyes seemed to be straining and working harder to see, I also noticed my vision wasn't as crisp as usual. I have an issue which my eye doctor can't work out that I've had for about a year of more where my right contact won't sit right and keeps clouding over, screwing with my vision. My left is always okay though. I used to have a pair of glasses which I used to wear to feel better at end of day but they broke. I got y eyes retested and got new ones, as well as yet another tyPe of contacts to try to fix the described right eye problem. But ever since then, I feel my vision isn't as good as it once was. These new glasses seem to not correct the vision in my right as well as my left. It's noticeable and annoying. And my contacts are just down right not correct.

My mum reckons my eyes are just changing which they do as u get older (her eyes are like mine and she says here have changed plenty over the years) but I've seen an optometrist three times in the past week and they (while not picking up on anything scary) haven been able to correct my eyesight to the way it used to be.

I'm seeing my normal optometrist next Tues as he's been away all month and I'm hoping he'll clear this up a bit better as he is normally very good.

I'm just scared its all related somehow... :(

05-10-12, 00:33
Hello Michael.. I have a sneaky feeling that it is anxiety. A lot of people with health anxiety, panic disorder do suffer from pressure in the head and what I call brain zaps. It is amazing what symptoms stress can give you but they are real I would always advise to get them checked out even if it's to put your mind at rest. Being stressed is very tiring on your body and you will probably find that you will feel tired when your stressed even if you don't realise you are.. ie driving, sitting watching a film. I suspect your mind in wandering as you are "relaxing" and not being active and with something distracting. Like I say, get everything checked and try not to worry. x

05-10-12, 00:52

I'm sure deep down your right. I read the symptoms of anxiety and a lot of it does match. It IS hard to believe stress can have such strange effects. Even when I feel I'm NOT freaking out. But it makes sense. I will get it checked out. I am just trying to not fear the worst in the mean time. Im a spiritual person but also very scientifically minded and the only way to beat this in the mean time for me is logic. Fact is I do feel better than I did a week
Ago. It's all just lingering things that aren't necessarily getting worse, but not any better either. But I try to be logical and sometimes that helpful. Sometimes it's scary - growin up in a medical family there are too many things you know of that I wished I didn't, any normal person would be all: "hey I've got some funny headaches lately, been a bit tired and need to get my eyes sorted out. Oh well, life is good,"

But with me it's "oh god what's happening am I gonna die!?" lol

05-10-12, 01:04
Your not on your own Michael. Nice to see the "lol" at the end of that post. Keep logic, keep positive. Now go to bed and.......relax :-) Keep us updated x

---------- Post added at 01:04 ---------- Previous post was at 00:59 ----------

If you look on "active topics" you will see I started a thread called "let's see what we can achieve together". Join in.. It can be anything at all including not focusing on something. Have a look x

05-10-12, 01:30
For ages I was sure there was something wrong with my eyes, I kept on getting eye tests, new glasses etc. Anxiety definitely affects my eyesight though, it becomes blurry and difficult to focus. Its much better in the evening...but then so is my anxiety. Go figure !