View Full Version : Hi

05-10-12, 00:17
Just thought i'd introduce myself, found this site recently and found some comfort in reading other people's experiences and advice.

Briefly, in retrospect I've suffered depression since I was around 16 and really put up with it as part of me for over a decade. I've always been a reasonably nervous person too, although I managed to put up with that too and, with the help of alchohol, have avoided social anxiety to an extent.

So, it was my late twenties when I started suffering the sort of anxiety symptoms listed on this site. I've since had several serious episodes, I guess you guys refer to them as relapses.

I've previously been on Citalopram 20mg which, along with CBT and a lot of personal effort, helped for a while. Each time I've tried to come off the tablets I have relapsed, so I expect I am dependent on them to an extent now. This time I've moved to Sertraline 100mg, maybe I'm at week 6 and past the worst of this episode.

I'd like to get back on track again now but I'm obviously seriously apprehensive. I need to start work again but I find work to be the most hostile and difficult place to cope, its that stress that pushes me over for sure.

The big confusion now is, when do you know you're ready ? Clearly it wouldn't be easy for anyone to pick up from where I am, anxiety or not, but what is a normal level ?

I don't know about anyone else here, but I find it so hard to judge my general state, its been such a long road now that I'm not sure what normal is supposed to feel like...

fozzy is crying
05-10-12, 00:19

05-10-12, 00:28
Hi MrMan

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-10-12, 00:32
Hello & :welcome: to NMP

I have been in a bad place for a long time too and this is my 6th week on Venlafaxine. I can't say when I will be ready to return to work (I have been off sick for 9 weeks now) but I can definitely say I am feeling more positive and less anxious than I have done in a long time. I guess you could say I feel that I am on the right track now and the right medication.

I believe you will know and feel this too. As my doctor says, it's small steps. Take things one day at a time and you will get there. I wish you the best of luck in your recovery and hope you find some comfort in being here too.

Take care, Kitti :)

05-10-12, 01:09
Venlafaxine eh ? There are so many, aren't there ! I wish you could just take a new one each day until you found the right one, its a long process and its difficult to be clear whether they work. I'm finding Sertraline ok, still got the nerves and a bubbling anxiety, hoping it improves a bit more.

05-10-12, 01:16
Well I guess it is still early days, I'm sure things will improve for you. I am also on diazepam so I guess that has helped me too. I also wondered what 'normal' was too, but I am getting small glimpses into the person I used to be now, so something must be going right at long last!! Stay positive :)

05-10-12, 01:24
Yeah, I'm staying positive the majority of the day now so that's something, it comes and goes. Being on here beats trying to explain things to non-sufferers which is a relief in itself.

Daniel Copp
05-10-12, 01:28

It took me a few attempts to find the right medication, but I know people who have found the right one strait away. Time is needed to allow your body to adjust and see the full benefit. You just have to stay positive and persevere.

05-10-12, 01:34
That's great news, I hope it levels out for you soon. This site and the lovely people here have helped me through some very tough times. Being able to interact with sufferers who actually 'get it' is a real comfort in times of need and your experiences can help others too :)

05-10-12, 19:44
Welcome to the forums! :)