View Full Version : positive and negative news...Am I crazy?

05-10-12, 10:53
Well the good news is that I managed my goal to walk further today and it is a lovely sunny morning. The negative is that I had that feeling where I felt like I was watching me from somewhere else...like I was not part of it. I tried to focus on the birds singing and all my surroundings but I was in such a daze and now I have a really bad headache. My husband sometimes says I am on another planet because sometimes he talks to me and I know he is talking to me but I don't answer because it doesn't feel like it is me and I am somewhere else. He says " Are you on another planet again?" then I answer the question he asked maybe 10 minutes ago! Like I have just snapped back into reality. My husband understands but if I do this to others maybe they think I am being ignorant. I know at work sometimes we are having a conversation and I will say something and then they say " we moved on from that subject 10 minutes ago, where were you? Does anyone else do this or am I just crazy?

Daniel Copp
05-10-12, 11:57
I do this frequently, mainly in the mornings. People will ask me something or try to talk to me and I am 'zoned' out and then 5-10 minutes later it registers properly and then I go find them to give them a response.

I get the same thing when walking the dog, I often feel a bit disconnected. I just think my brain is used to thinking too much and feels slightly out of balance when I don't.

05-10-12, 12:02
I had this surreal feeling a couple of month's ago. I walk my dog's every day - nearly; and was walking across the fields, full of anxiety, feeling as though I was floating, I tried to concentrate on the sense's, touch, smell, see and hear to distract myself, it didn't work, but I persisted with it daily until at last the fog lifted.
I can also share your experience of always being at least 10 minutes behind conversation's, with me I think that is a side effect of medication.
Anyway, if you are crazy I am too.:D

05-10-12, 12:03
Thanks for your reply, I am so pleased it is not just me! I know when someone asks me something but it just seems to take ages for it to actually register that it is me they are talking to even though I am the only person with them. People say to me "Are you listening?" Yes I'm listening but it just hasn't registered yet! :doh:

05-10-12, 12:05
It's classic depersonalisation....used to get exact same scenario as you....

05-10-12, 12:09
I have just been sitting trying to relax since I got home and the headache is going but I just feel so emotional today. Crying at the slightest thing. Today's news has really affected me as well, (The little girl in Wales, as a parent myself I can't begin to imagine what her family are going through) I phoned my husband at work and sobbed, took ages for me to be able to speak to him.