View Full Version : Really worried :(

05-10-12, 14:03
Hi there,
I was wondering if someone can help reassure me here.
I have been worrying about my health for about 3 months now, starting off with skin cancer and now lymphoma.
I noticed a lump on my back near my spine which had me totally panicking, two doctors have felt it and diagnosed it as a lipoma, so I began to relax until I felt my glands in my neck and they were huge, and my neck was stiff.
I also had a weird pressure in my lower left ribcage which felt like there was something inside it.
I then began to be constipated and my apetite decreased.
Then I got a really bad cold with a chesty cough.
Last night I shaved my bikini line (sorry tmi) and then a few hours later noticed a red lump with no head on it in my groin area, and directly under it I had a hard swelling around about the size of a pea.

Since I am worried about lymphoma these symptoms are all of concern to me, especially when put together like this, but I do not want to go to the doctor as I have been three times in the past three months convinced I had leukemia, skin cancer and then a soft tissue sarcoma, so I am aware that I am suffering from health anxiety and these issues are probably not connected in any way.
If someone can give me reassurance as to whether it is common to have these symptoms together that would be great!

05-10-12, 14:30
How old are you?
In all honesty this doesn't sound like lymphoma,
Plus the cough and cold tell me it's probably a virus.
I'd pretty sure this sounds like Glandular fever!!
If you're young then that's when it happens!!

With lymphoma, things don't happen all at the same time, the lumps need to grow first (pretty damn quick) and then you'll start feeling ill, later on.
You started getting ill instantly, which indicates to me that you do indeed, have a virus :)

05-10-12, 15:31
I think it all sounds normal as in the lump thing - that is really common Ive had tons of lipomas in the past the doctor always says just to leave it unless it becomes bothersome and then it can be removed!!
the ribcage thing is definately common with anxiety - if you search ribcage on here you will see tons of posts come up!!
the bikini line thing happens to me all the time - if i shave i get bumpy down there for a few days - its just general irritation or if you shave often an ingrown hair which causes bumps

05-10-12, 15:46
Hi there,
Last night I shaved my bikini line (sorry tmi) and then a few hours later noticed a red lump with no head on it in my groin area, and directly under it I had a hard swelling around about the size of a pea..

I often get this, it is just from the hair follicles

05-10-12, 16:28
Hi, I have had the pressure in my ribs/chest for about 2 months also, does it hurt or is it just like pressure?

05-10-12, 16:48
The weird feeling under the ribs I had for aaages. In fact one of my friends has this too, after I stopped thinking about it - it went away. Just accept it's anxiety.

It felt like a balloon under my ribcage and got to the point where I couldn't lie of my side because it felt SO weird. Muscles tense all the time on areas we focus on - without us realising it.

The only thing that helped was to be aware when I was tensing & not think about it.

My friend - who didn't have HA - had this and said he'd been obsessing over it for a while, I told him to ignore it - 2 weeks later he forgot he even had it.

you'll be fine :) :hugs:

Check out this list of all the symptoms anxiety can cause


06-10-12, 15:52
Thanks for the replies!
The ribcage pain has eased off now, either that or I have forgot all about it, haha! My cold is also easing, go I'm guessing if I did have lymphoma the cold would last longer than 4 days? Armpit pain has also gone, must have forgotten about that one too.
I am just worrying about the lump in my groin, I rationally know it is a spot, but it just seems massive? I also got a random pain in my jaw after a glass of wine. At the time I panicked about it, but I have relaxed a bit now.
I am fed up of having constant vague symptoms which move all over my body!

06-10-12, 16:18
I think it's because you are noticing them, to be honest we all have the odd ache/pain/spot/lump/bump etc, I think what you are doing and what most of us on here are doing is making it into a big deal, i'm starting to realise myself that it's all in my head, it's good to hear that alot of the symptoms have eased off.