View Full Version : any one have gad?

06-08-06, 13:03
just wondering if anyone who suffers from gad is like me and my brain
what im finding is that in the mornings even if i dont have to go anywhere or do anything therefore nothing to worry about my brain will sort of make me think that anything is worrying even goin downstairs housework etc its as if its trying to force the physical symptoms on me i mean its like it will magnify any thoughts i have...if there is nothing real to worry about it will make things up?does this sound crazy? i mean how do you replace neg thoughts about even putting washing on the line with pos ones-mad isnt it!- if only i didnt have to think is everyone who has gad like me or am i getting worse i often think am i going to worry more and more about not real things when does it end

thanks for listening id appreciate any feedbck

06-08-06, 13:54
i nkow this feeling . like you are afraid to feel ok. like you do not allow yourself a day of no pain and if that day comes you are just not used to it so you even fear normality

we never really permitt ourselves to have peace of mind and that is why we fear the unknown

horrible i know


06-08-06, 14:19
Me too.

That's why its important to keep busy.

I've always known the importance of that, but had to give up work because of my GAD. But quite often I feel dreadful in the morning even if I do have something special on that day. If I have to be somewhere at a certain time, I often lay awake thinking if I can make it, so feel even more tired in the morning!



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

07-08-06, 14:29
i also have G.A.D ive gottten over it once so it is possible. i think that we all have moments when we're parlized and think that its never gonna end but just fight it with all you have dont let it take you under.xx


07-08-06, 14:34
hi emily beth
it is so inspiring to hear that you got over it once i have always been told that you cant, how did you do it before?

03-09-06, 18:08
i have also overcome anxiety and now i have it again!! when i awake in the morning my stomach is churning and my brain is working overtime!!! i absolutly hate it, i take st johns wort as i really dont want the meds again and the st johns seems to be working as i can go a couple of hours without feeling anxious but then i think god i havnt thought about dying or mad stuff then it all comes back!!
i do try so hard to keep busy and it does work and going for long walks helps, i wish it would just go away and enjoy my life but as i say to myself you have done it once you can do it again, we all have to be strong, easier said than done i know but there is light at the end of the tunnell, good luck mandy d

mandy d

03-09-06, 18:10
i have also overcome anxiety and now i have it again!! when i awake in the morning my stomach is churning and my brain is working overtime!!! i absolutly hate it, i take st johns wort as i really dont want the meds again and the st johns seems to be working as i can go a couple of hours without feeling anxious but then i think god i havnt thought about dying or mad stuff then it all comes back!!
i do try so hard to keep busy and it does work and going for long walks helps, i wish it would just go away and enjoy my life but as i say to myself you have done it once you can do it again, we all have to be strong, easier said than done i know but there is light at the end of the tunnell, good luck mandy d

mandy d

03-09-06, 18:12
thanks for that,
its hard isnt it, with gad its a bit of health/ ocd/ panic /depression, it keeps swapping, but the main thing is fear based anyway.
like all anxiety, if we conquer the fear it will all go. (i hope)

we are all stronger people after having this

03-09-06, 18:19
it will go julie honestly, thats what i tell myself be patient and be strong!!

mandy d

05-09-06, 20:25
its so hard staying positive sometimes though.

we are all stronger people after having this