View Full Version : Breathing issue

05-10-12, 14:40

I have a similar thread but had a varied question. I have had a breathing issue for about 2 months. When it started I was at my least anxious for a while. If I walk up stairs or up a hill I am out of breath. I am 28 and been to a few doctors. 3 listened to my lungs etc and the last one didn't even do that. He said that I was making it an issue and worse because I am concentrating on it constantly. My 1st question is, could this really be TRUE. And second being should I go private as sure I have cancer or asbestosis.

05-10-12, 14:44
What makes you think you have asbestosis? At 28 it is unlikely you would have been exposed to asbestos. Has your doctor done any tests for asthma? It could be slight asthma. Do you exercise a lot? People who don't do much exercise can get breathless going up hills.

05-10-12, 14:49
hiya willous, i too have issues with my breathing sometimes, ive had it for a while, when i go to my local shop or climbing stairs or just thinking about it.... ive noticed that when i get mildly out of breath i focus on it and make it slightly worse i guess this is what your doing, its like a vicous circle.... even when i get up in the mornings ill be out of breath just sat drinking a cuppa its defo all in the mind hun hope it settles for you soon

05-10-12, 14:55
Thanks both for the reply. I helped a friend out a few weeks ago gardening and may have touched asbestos. Doctor says its not asthma. Last year it went but now its worse and for longer.

05-10-12, 15:06
Asbestos wouldn't affect you that quick and you wouldn't have been exposed enough anyway just by touching it. My husband worked with asbestos in the late 60's and has asbestos on his lung, he worked with it a lot but at age 65 even though it is there on his lungs it has not affected him too badly and he can still walk up hills without getting out of breath so you have no need to worry about that at all.

---------- Post added at 15:06 ---------- Previous post was at 15:06 ----------

As Susan said, anxiety alone can cause a feeling of shortness of breath

05-10-12, 15:22
i wouldnt have thought that a one time exposure, that you MAY have been in contact with, would do you any harm, esp in the open air, people that have been exposed to asbestos daily, all day long, would prob have problems, i think your worrying is making your breathing worse, esp as your thinking about it all the time, your gp would have sent you for tests if he/she thought it was anything to worry about, with my anxiety my breathing used to worry me all the time until i decided to take my focus off it by taking up a hobby and i did get over the breathing thing, until a few months ago, when i developed chronic hives, i thought i was going to have a severe allergic reaction from it, but thankfully havent, but its still in my mind that i will and my breathing has gone funny again because ive been worrying about it, my gp keeps saying my chest is clear and its my anxiety playing tricks on me, it really is all in our mind and when we accept it, it will calm down :)

05-10-12, 15:53
It sounds like it's because you are focusing on it but also you might just be a little out of shape. I'm 28 and I too get breathless at the top of stairs but I have asthma and am admittedly kind of lazy lol

05-10-12, 17:19
Thanks everyone. Do U think I should book a private scan or something. I really think the doctors are ignoring it because of my anxiety. I was a bit better the other day. Would I have other symptoms by now if it was something bad? All over the place. I quit smoking at 26. So lung cancer is possible. Sometimes I just want to give up thinking about it. My family have never had cancer, I knew I would though.

05-10-12, 17:53
I really don't think you need a scan...trust your doctor, if he has listened to your heart he would know if there was anything wrong.

05-10-12, 17:57
Thank you Annie and everyone else. Maybe I need to try and leave it 2 weeks and see how I feel. I haven't even been to the gym. It worries me.

05-10-12, 18:00
Try to relax and some exercise at the gym may be good for you :)

05-10-12, 19:47
you'll be fine hun, hard as it is just try distract yourself :)

06-10-12, 06:40
Asbestos wouldn't impact you that fast and you wouldn't have been revealed enough anyway just by in contact with it. My spouse proved helpful with asbestos in the delayed 50's and has asbestos on his lung.