View Full Version : hands jerking and feel generally shakey inside like im vibrating on the inside!

05-10-12, 15:28
hi everyone!
I have had this on and off for a while and its back and got me worried.
it feels like my whole body is bubbling inside like vibrating... its more so in my left leg but all over too ...... Ive also noticed my hands feel really weak and yesterday my thumb was moving involuntarily!!! if i hold my hands out they are really shakey!
I have eaten and always drink water so its not that!
Im really sick of never feeling right

05-10-12, 16:28
Do you drink caffeine? I have to limit myself to a tiny bit a day or I get like this. It's just too much adrenaline and energy. Maybe cut back on the caffeine if you drink it?

05-10-12, 16:31
Hello I have the exact same thing it's deffo anxiety, I noticed at work when I was holding a sandwich between my thumb and index finger they started to move/jerk uncontrollably. My subsides when I have no anxiety it's got something to do with your body being overloaded when your worried.