View Full Version : The way I think Vs the way I should think

05-10-12, 15:49
Helpful HA thinking Vs Un helpful HA Thinking
- I know you say its not this doctor but on google X amount of people had this symptom and it was X disease - The amount of people on anxiety forums also believe they had this symptom and disease but turned out to be anxiety
- Its different this time..... this cant be anxiety!!! - It is different yes but it is from the same core place of anxiousness, only this time its giving me a new worry and thus new symptoms
- I will stop googling tommorow or the next day or next year .... lol If i am going to stop googling I need to WANT to stop googling and that means stopping NOW and not going back on my word
- If it happened to her/ him it will happen to me! NO NO NO .... Everyone is different and unique .. just because somebody similar to me has X disease doesnt mean Im going to get it ... its just like saying all 23 year old women wear spotty socks....... not true
- I have tried everything and i still feel this way therefore it can't be anxiety I have tried everything but havent put my all into it... i have tried relaxing but havent given it enough time, i have tried doing things I enjoy to take my mind off of it but Im still thinking about it whilst doing so, I have tried to change my thinking habits but my thinking hasnt actually changed or altered .. Im still convinced I have X disease and therefore I am not trying to combat it!
- you dont understand .... your just saying that to shut me up .... Maybe they do understand but in there non anxious minds they dont understand why I could still believe I have X disease when I have seeked adequate reassurance/tests etc
- constant symptoms cannot be anxiety even when not actively anxious those who suffer bad are subconsiously thinking about it therefore the symptoms persist
- im anxious because of the symptoms not the other way round. what came first the chicken or the egg? whether i had a physical issue or not to begin with truth is my thinking has led to more and more sympotoms due to my worrying ... if i accepted the original symptom as just a mystery of the body or a reaction to an external stimuli I would probably not be here in this situation

05-10-12, 16:28
Brilliant, brilliant post :hugs:

05-10-12, 16:46
This is a really great post :) All the ones in black are how I think all the time haha

05-10-12, 17:17
me too girls lol xxx